Title: Ship of Fools (part 4/5, completed fic)
snowgrouseFandom: The Thief of Bagdad (1940)
Pairing: Jaffar/Princess, OFC/OFC
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Erotica/Romance
Warnings: Attempted rape (by OC), light bondage, anal sex
Length: ~34 200 words
Summary: When Ahmad fails to arrive, she realises she has placed too much faith in fairytales. But if Ahmad had not been a djinni, would that also mean Jaffar was not the monster she'd thought him to be? Jaffar had saved her life time and time again, had offered her his love, had offered to become the most loving of husbands. Yet, the very idea of yielding to him terrifies her.
A/N: AU set entirely on Jaffar's ship.
"I thought it was you who needed this," he croons in her ear. "That you needed me to conquer your pride, even if it meant I had to tie you down on our wedding night. Because a ravishment was what you wanted, wasn't it? A ravishment to which you secretly acquiesced. You wanted me to take control, so that you would not have to feel guilty." He releases her wrists and runs his nails down her arms, her sides. "Is that not so, my sweet?" )