I thought I'd turned all mushy what with all this romance I've been writing. But I feel all normal now because I rediscovered a stash of bad romance novel covers I had amassed at some point to make crackshops for B7 and Who. Oh god, NO. NO, NO, NO, NO, NO. *sobs* If I see one more contorted couple in period costume with atrociously modern hairdos
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I'm just sick and tired of romance novels and male pin-up calendars and male strippers and Guys Generally Thought To Be Fanciable By Women always having to be so fucking muscular. I notice the muscles exactly because I'm really turned off by them, as I'm turned off by all kinds of heavy masculinity. It's something really inborn, something I was scared as fuck of when I was as old as three or four, I remember. So it really feels awful when I'm constantly bombarded with messages that I should love something that squicks me (and has squicked me from way before I even realised this crap called gendered socialisation or the patriarchy or knew what "macho" was). No wonder people with my neurological makeup often become transsexuals because those messages are so fucked up. I am told I'm not a woman with heterosexual leanings because I like skinny, feminine dudes, so I should probably start identifying as a gay guy because that's the only group of people who fancies that sort, right? When I'm probably more fucking lesbian than lesbians, it seems, whatever the sex of the person I'm looking at.
And IDK, today my fetish for a skinny, wrinkly guy with crooked teeth and a pencil moustache would seem weird but women were crazy about Jaffar when the film came out. It really is about the way a person carries themselves, and he's probably a good example of how immensely majestic and dominant a guy can appear even if he's thin as hell and femme.
The romance fandom is actually pretty critical of the tropes in the genre. There's a worst romance cover of the year contest and everything. (Previous years' winners are worth googling, I've laughed until I cried at some of them.)
And I like some of the more painterly covers like we had on the Sandemo books. There were some good illustrators around in the Sixties and Seventies, with some nice textured painting styles, even if everyone still had modern hair. (Also, I've seen far too many Abhorrent Admirer characters that looked like me, so I feel ya.)
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