Feb 08, 2014 11:21
For all my moaning about the limitations of the Finnish language (especially when it comes to culture, philosophical concepts and emotions), there are times when I'm glad that I speak it; that I have words for certain things. Because the only thing Finnish really excels at is nature terminology, winter terminology in particular.
I was looking out of the window and it's windy outside, snowing, the wind blowing the snowflakes with such force that they are blown diagonally, sometimes even horizontally. And I was thinking "Hey, Finnish has a word for that!" ("Pyry," that is). Whereas English seems to go straight from regular "snowing" to "blizzard" with little in between. Whereas we have several degrees of heavy, windy snowing, probably so many I don't even know the more obscure ones. "Pyry" would be more diagonal and a bit heavier/windier than ordinary snowing, whereas if it's all horizontal and crazywindy to the point where it stings your eyes, that'd be "tuisku"--closer to "lumimyrsky" ("snow storm") which finally corresponds with the English "blizzard". I bet there are some obscure Lapland terms for about a bazillion degrees even between those, but yeah.
I wonder what my cat calls it, curled up on the windowsill as she is, the snow falling in gusts behind her. Probably "nap tiem".
ETA: I don't seem to be getting any email notifications of comments *again*. So if I don't respond to you immediately, that'd be it. Bugger.