Connie's sexually ambiguous unf, part bazillion

Dec 22, 2013 15:26

I've blathered about this before here and there, but my blog, so whatevz. Let me elaborate. Yet again, I was thinking of why I find Connie so ridiculously attractive. And as I've said, it's the androgyny and the sexual ambivalence and all that, but I think that this time, it hits me harder because... it's not me watching something through slash goggles or delighting in this little elegant gesture or that little catlike slink on some other actor, because it's real. When Dave has lady hips or when Hiddles plays an androgynous, catlike slinky god, they're accidents or performances. Those things are either lapses in heteronormative masculine performance or deliberate diversions of it in order to portray a sexually ambivalent character. And with Connie, it's more like that he has to channel and contain his sexuality, because it's natural. It's not slashiness that comes (entirely) from a narrative or an acting style or the occasional swishy movement here and there--it's something that was a natural part of him and which he had to modulate for his performances. When I think of other actors who have done that sort of stuff, the immediate examples that come to mind (Brett, Bowie, Cumming, etc.) are all bisexual androgynous guys as well. It's an inborn fluidity. Or, more polemically, deviance.

I mean, it's a bit... wonderful in a brain-breaking way because now I'm no longer hunting for things I can slash--slashing in the original sense of deliberately reinterpreting something from a queer perspective. I don't have to queer anything any longer. Now it's the real fucking queer bleeding through and I'm just basking in it. And really, when it's early talkie stuff like this where the director couldn't rein him in and he just spilled over into full camp, it's actually fucking hilarious. His character is supposed to be talking about the woman he loves and he's dreaming of her and playing with her fan and oh, I give up. I have such a HUGE fucking kink for men and male characters whose heterosexual expression, too, is queer as fuck. You don't even know, guys. You don't even know. That's the main thing that draws me to swishy villains; because it isn't the old butch bullshit but that they're all slinky and just... yes. It's really the best of both worlds because I can have all the slash and all the queer het and none of the heteronormativity or machismo. I don't know if it's even *possible* of me to fap to and/or write heteronormative het.

And again, I'm not alone. Look at all the women who are nuts over Hiddles/Loki exactly because he isn't butch and because Loki's basically a female and how nearly all Loki cosplayers are female. Machismo is so passé, guys. So passé. But... I'm just so glad Ive gone one step further and discovered a dude with whom you got the lovely human being thing and androgynous characters plus incomparable charisma and RL androgyny/bisexuality. I am bouncing with gleeeeee. Also, I realise I SOUND LIKE A GODDAMN BABY DYKE WHO HAS JUST FOUND OUT THERE ARE OTHER LESBIANS OUT THERE. GDI. And it's probably sad that I have to use an analogy like that because there isn't really an equivalent phenomenon/scene/culture for bisexuals, is there...


slash slash slashety slash, conrad veidt, queer, androgyny, bisexuality

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