Nov 14, 2013 17:32
I did some calculations and guess who's got two thumbs and has had to spend 286 Euros/240 GBP/384 bucks on various treatments not covered by my disability allowance or the national health insurance over the past three months?
I don't know what the fuck to do, really. I have about six euros for the rest of the month this month and I can't even afford supplements, so it's time to beg my dad for food again (I have... um... eggs and butter). And I'm also going to need an extra doctor's certificate for some further disability benefits and that's going to set me back at least 40 e, and there's no guarantee that the applications will even go through.
I don't really have that much Who tat left to sell and I'm too ill to sell shit on a fleamarket and I don't have a car, and recently my dad's been a real douche about helping me out to the point where it's actually started to impact my health and my hygiene, and I don't know if I'm going to get a personal carer from the council (they were pretty shitty about it the last time I asked and even refused to fully recognise my dad as one). And my physical health has really gone down since that weird virus I got in February. Even the idea of selling stuff and posting it is difficult because I can't go to the post office on my own and don't have money even for the council's disability taxi (last month I didn't use it even once because I was so skint), let alone postage. So it's... er... pretty fucking tricky right now.
And I can't really do fic/art commissions; they depend so much on inspiration and energy and whatnot to really work out; I've let people down with that crap too often. Right now I'm so urf from the virus flare-up no drugs have worked for and from other health crap that I don't even know how I'm going to finish that porn epic I was working on.
Bollocks. I'll just leave this here or something, even if I always hate myself afterwards. But short of winning the lottery, I'm kind of fucked. (Ironically, I'm too skint now to even enter the lottery).
IDK, maybe I can come up with some Jaffar/yourself-as-a-slave-girl porn drabbleage or something in return. Or stupid doodles. Or gifs. Or, IDK, hugs. Or nerdery. Whatever it is that my health allows me to give, really:/ And no, I'm not guilt-tripping anyone into donating. I just wish I lived nearer to you guys because cuddles or random tins of food would be so good right now, damn it.
poverty sucks