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swordsart September 17 2013, 11:59:50 UTC
Hello! Sorry I've been absent!

Swooping by really quickly to squee over Byzantinebatch!



snowgrouse September 17 2013, 12:09:07 UTC
I was wondering where you were!

I've just crossed the 20 000 word mark and Byzantinebatch is finally nomming Jaffar like his life depended on it. *happysigh*


swordsart September 17 2013, 15:25:15 UTC
Byzantinebatch is finally nomming Jaffar like his life depended on it

I'd still like a crack at drawing Byzantinebatch if that's still a possibility. . .I just need to figure out his clothing. . arrgg :/

Yeah . . I was scrambling to finish/print my comic in time for SPX. . which is blissfully/sadly over . . and in between wrapping up the book was moving out, surgery and a fulltime job. . .so. . . . today is my first real free and clear day since. . March?


snowgrouse September 17 2013, 15:36:34 UTC
Glad you're settling down!

And go ahead and draw Byzantinebatch if you want--I haven't really described his looks in this much because it's from his POV. All I know is that he looks like this (as in with the red wavy hair) and that he wears... er... actually, he does wear Persian clothing in this story, so you're probably fine with drawing him wearing something of the type Jaffar wears in the movie. I think I wrote him wearing a single robe with lots of tiny buttons at the front and a sash, with a pair of shalwars underneath it, and at times he's wearing a turban (I'd love to see him turbanless, though). As long as it's not an actual illo for anything in the stories, I'm probably cool with it, even if I must confess your style isn't really my cup of tea (I'm really hypervisual so it's not personal; my brain rejects so many drawing styles as 'off' that even school textbooks were absolute torture to me as a kid. I would have to deface some of the pages to read the text because the illustrations would be like the visual equivalent of ( ... )


swordsart September 17 2013, 17:12:34 UTC
As long as it's not an actual illo for anything in the stories

Thanks for clarifying because I was wondering if that was the case... which is completely fine :) (One of my initial ideas was having Byzantinebatch with Connie by his shoulder making sex-cat eyes at him, but with the main visual emphasis on BB...would that be ok?)

And I completely understand with the drawing styles thing . . .there are quite a few out there that make my brain short out as well . . . it's all good.

I also love the idea of BB becoming a Thing, haha . . .also yay Connie gay sex scenes :D :D


snowgrouse September 19 2013, 05:19:17 UTC
I don't know if I'll even be able to take Byzantinebatch if my visual sense somehow reads it as "wrong", so I'm certain I couldn't take that risk with Jaffar--therefore no Jaffars, please. And I'm, to be honest, dreading the idea of having any fanart thrown at me and if people expect me to be nice about it when it's causing me physical pain (which it usually does, and the pain is worse if it's about something I love and my brain's formed very definitive visual ideas about), and I am always the one who ends up looking like an arsehole in that situation. Again I must repeat that this is something that makes me really anxious, suicidally anxious at times, so I'm soon going to have to ask you to not draw anything at all. I know you're probably going to go "lol... hahaha... lol..." or something, but I'm asking you to please take this seriously. People usually don't fucking get it, but it is like holding a kitten to the face of someone who's allergic--you may think it's pretty and cute but it isn't cute to that person's lungs. Only in my ( ... )


swordsart September 19 2013, 11:37:55 UTC
No no, I honestly completely understand and I apologize if I came off as glib or insensitive. . .

If you are not comfortable with me drawing anything that is totally fine, because the last thing I want to do is cause you anxiety or stress.

I just really wanted to make sure if drawing the character was ok or not, because I know you do have strong feelings about fanart of your very lovely writings . . I just got really excited at the idea that I could be given permission to do so.

So please, do not feel bad about being as clear and honest with me as possible.


snowgrouse September 19 2013, 15:45:32 UTC
I know, it's just a stupid crappy anxiety thing I've had since birth and have always had so much shit for it, so when I'm tired and PMSing, I tend to get really defensive about it. Sorry about that.

I'm cool with Byzantinebatch, I think; just leave Jaffar out--I don't think I could ever even attempt drawing Benny! Just don't be upset if I don't comment or comment negatively or something.

And thanks for being cool about it. So many people aren't, so I really appreciate that. <3


swordsart September 20 2013, 01:04:30 UTC
<3 It's all good, m'dear :)

I'm so happy I get to tackle those flaminggingercurlssweetbabyjesusIwannagnawonhim. . . Yes . . haha


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