To anyone still interested in the Simm!Master/Ten collection, please note that I'm only accepting offers and discussing the sale on
this post. It's far easier to keep track of the bids that way and to give everyone a decent chance. I am not comfortable contacting people or being contacted by people outside LJ unless they are the winning bidder, nor am I all that comfortable with people randomly friending me either (too many bad experiences of fandom crazy over the years). It's getting a bit overwhelming and intrusive, and I'm too ill for that kind of social stress/anxiety right now and I hope you'll understand. If you want to bid, please go on the above post to do it, and if you want my fannish crap, I post all of it and more
on my Tumblr anyway. This is more of a personal blog these days. Again, I hope you understand.
Thanks to everyone who has bid so far.