There are OTCs and then there are OTCs

Jun 09, 2013 20:00

GDI, I'm rereading lots of stuff on Gothic/Romantic tropes for inspiration and Wikipedia's page on the Byronic hero just makes me go... well, you'd think I'd be all about the Connies, but I'm constantly like


"Yeah, that's totally Avon."


"Yep, Avon."

Not that this is anything new; I mean, I instantly recognised him for a perfect modern example of the type as soon as I saw B7. I just wonder if he's, like, the default for the type in my head. Not that that's a bad thing at all, of course.

It's like whenever I'm reminded that my brain default for "cat" being something like this is actually a bit off because a normal cat is about this size and I *still* wonder if that's a kitten in the gif. (And yes, that big motherfucker is so like Noki it's actually a bit frightening. She's got a secret brother in Maine!) I still go and visit friends and my brain does a double take when their cats are tiny little things I can lift up with one hand or something.

Actually, I do wonder if Avon is an even better and more honed example of the Byronic hero than the originals were, in his way. Even if that's ridiculous and paradoxical because of course Byron created the whole type. But it's like Avon is the distilled essence of the trope. Seriously.

blake's 7

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