
Jan 11, 2013 14:33

The ability to deal is so fucking overrated. Because Conrad Veidt and Basil fucking Rathbone writing villainous shit together:

"One of Conrad's best friends in Hollywood in the early 1940s was the noted actor Basil Rathbone. Conrad and Basil had met in England a few years earlier and when Conrad came to Hollywood in 1940, they renewed their friendship. Conrad and Basil would often get together on weekends and try their hands at writing short stories and novels. They (and their wives) would take turns visiting each other's homes. Conrad and Basil would then sit down in the den, with a tall, cold drink for each, and wrestle verbally with different story plots and ideas. Conrad often jokingly began his novels with the standard introductory sentence made famous by the British novelist, Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton, in his Gothic novels: "It was a dark and stormy night". [...] Since Conrad and Basil both excelled in villainous cinema roles, they tried jokingly to outdo each other in writing the most vile and unsavory characters they could imagine into the stories they authored."

(Conrad Veidt: From Caligari to Casablanca)

I think I'll go and breathe into a bag now. How awesome is that? Two of the smoothest evil bastards on screen and they write smooth evil bastardry for their own amusement in their free time. <3

Also, reading about the fan mail Connie got also made me actually bounce and hop around the flat on two feet like a demented kangaroo. Not actually lying. I screamed in delight. And scared the cat.

“There was a common theme that seemed to run through the majority of fan letters that Conrad received from women. That was his tremendous appeal to them in spite of the villainous roles he portrayed. Women who had seen Conrad as the wicked Grand Vizier Jaffar in The Thief of Bagdad would write to say that if they had been the princess they would have chosen Jaffar rather than the young caliph. Those who had seen Conrad as the despicable Torsten Barring in A Woman’s Face stated unequivocably that they would have preferred Barring no matter what he had done. Other women wrote that though they knew they were supposed to hate the German general in Escape, they couldn’t help but be attracted to him, in Conrad’s sympathetic portrayal, rather than to the churlish Robert Taylor character. And shortly, many women would write to say that it hurt them to see Conrad, as Major Strasser in Casablanca, being “killed” by the Humphrey Bogart character.”

And I'm like REALLY. REALLY. It's 70 fuckin' years later and this shit *still* happens. *falls to the floor and whimpers and groans and flails*

basil rathbone, conrad veidt

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