Current meme tiem again (can you tell I'm procrastinating?)

Jan 09, 2013 12:07

Current clothes: Black underwear, black sleeveless top (I really should put something warmer on as it's cold inside), black leggings, black/purple stripey stockings, woolly socks. Not actually wearing KISS socks this time, believe it or not.

Current mood: Full. Waking up. And realising I haven't even taken my wake-up supplements yet. Holy shit. I actually feel like I slept properly! Something like 10-11 hours or something, but after I woke up from an absolutely awful nightmare in the middle of it (Bollyknickers failed to save me from plunging to my death from the top of some giant statue or something), I think I deserved the extra hours.

Current music: Still being trashy with Lana Del Rey. I want to slap her for the bimbo girly voice she puts on at times if it wasn't also so porny at the same time. At least it isn't as annoying as Marilyn's bimbo girly voice, but more of a porn star girly voice.

Current annoyance: That I've totally failed to keep up with yoga and skipped it again. Maybe tomorrow.

Current thing: *sigh*

Current desktop picture: This. SHUT UP. Also, loads of WIPs and video clips an dother junk there cluttering up the desktop, I know. But that's clean compared to the insides of my brain. ALSO, FEELS. I might make the desktop background pure black again just because the picture is too distracting. *sob*

Current book: None, and it's actually making me a bit fidgety. I *tried*, I really tried going through that but it's full of so much h8 towards everyone awesome I just kept wanting to throw it out of the window.

Current song in head: None, as I have music playing.

Current DVD in player: None, but I think Contraband was the last one because I was trying to rip it to my laptop. Unfortunately, as it was an US release, it got all interlaced and shit so I couldn't really use it for giffage. And yeah, I know, there are some arcane code things I could fidget with to sort that out, but that'd require programming and my brain's not cut out for that, at least right now.

Current refreshment: Chili cheddar. Mmmmmm. |-)

Current worry: Sorting out Redemption stuff. I don't know what the fuck I'm even signed up for and don't even know which airport I should aim to make touchdown at and should get off my arse and ping steverogerson, but I've been crap at IMing people for the past few days. Also, having several people I could/should chat to right now but finding communication so exhausting I'm having fail. It's difficult, because it's not like you don't want to make new friends, but having to introduce yourself and tell them stuff about yourself and your life can be really painful and exhausting. I wonder if healthy people or people who've had really happy lives feel that way, but I hate having to inform people about my mental/physical health issues and stuff because it'll make me sound like a whiny/jumpy idiot. It's like whenever you're at a party and someone asks "so, what do you do" and most of your answers would involve something depressing and you'd just rather discuss TV shows or movies or books or something.

Current thought: "Should stop thinking about depressing crap and get back to betaing Ghazal or something. Or maybe sneakily write yet more Jaffar/Princess porn. I'm heading towards a day of fruitless procrastination, aren't I?"


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