Stuff and nonsense

Nov 28, 2012 04:50

-Wait, I've written six fics of Veidt characters in three months? HOW DID THAT HAPPEN? o_O Have I *ever* been this prolific with properfic?

-Saw the first ep of Crickley Hall and not sure what to think of it. It wasn't bad, just a bit on the slow side and couldn't hold my attention that well, so I don't know if I can be bothered to check out the rest. Suranne's acting is lovely, though, and I could watch her forever. Also, fish-faced headmaster guy was genuinely fucking creepy. Brr and ick. Even though I somehow expected Peter Davison to play him in the back of my mind, but then that might be because of the evil headmaster he played in Winterborne. But really, Suranne should hurry up and play opposite Teh Simmeh in something *soon*. I want those two together like burning so I can just sit back and appreciate the Acting.

-I've been having terrible headaches for the past few days. Don't know what the hell is up with that. Might be the weather.

-Also have something lodged in my eyeball (no, really) and have to see a doctor about it in the morning. If I can stay up, that is. Ah, the joys of living with Non-24. My body clock is currently waking up in the afternoon and demands sleep in the morning, so having to go to the doc in the morning and attempt coherence is... well, kind of the equivalent of expecting a normally sleeping person to show up somewhere at 3 AM and also expecting them not to stagger or be all blurg. So this is going to be interesting, to say the least.

-Still want The Suranne to play Cally in my B7 remake, though (one of her kids in Crickley was called Cally! And that reminded me of what an awesome Cally Suranne would be). I really should get round to posting that picset I was thinking of, damn it, because now I've got all of my cast together and my choice of Avon seems to have been cast as a cynical, bitchy computer nerd in something very popular right now and this is making me pleased as punch. Even though now everyone will probably assume I chose him because of that new role, even though I had him picked out ages ago. You'll see what I mean once I can be arsed to make that photoset.

-Autoplaying video clips on websites need to die. The Radio Times seems to be doing that all the time with their iPlayer clips these days and despite having an autoplay-stopping plugin, the stuff still keeps playing. I don't care if it's Matt Smith's voice suddenly babbling at me about Doctor Who, that stuff is insanely annoying. Let me choose when and which videos to watch, thank you.

-Ow. Really. This headache and I are having a duel to the death and one of us must go. Send Daves.

health, teh suranne, blake's 7, conrad veidt, telly

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