Aug 03, 2012 15:14
Is it me or does the Radio Times Doctor Who story guide (always advertised at the bottom of their front page) always feature pics of the most-loathed, most-panto, most-overacted farcical stories? It's like they hired someone who really hates Doctor Who (especially oldschool Who) to pick the pictures. We've basically had Timelash, Time and the Rani, Paradise Towers, Twin Dilemma and I think they had Nimon there at one point. And even Time Monster, as far as I recall. It's like a who's who of the most vilified Who stories ever. And no sign of Androzani or Genesis or Mind Robber and so on. Does anyone know if this is an inside joke or something?
Not that I'm, like, deathly worried about OMFG MY BELOVED SHOW'S REPUTASHUUUN or anything. It's just that there seems to be a pattern. It doesn't even seem to be a taste thing (where someone would just post loads of pics of eras I'm not that big on) but it's like again and again, they keep deliberately picking pics of the stories most Whovians consider to be turkeys (whether they are actually turkeys or not). I doubt they picked my beloved Time Monster because they genuinely loved the characterisation and the lols in that underrated classic. *sob* I mean, one *has* to have some knowledge of OldWho to even know specific stories' reputations, right?
doctor who,
carrot juice,
i have seen three,
ice hot,
red kangs