Dear internet,

Jul 09, 2012 11:26

Thanks for telling me I fail at feminism and humanity because I don't stuff myself with pizza and ice cream because apparently if you don't do so and if you aren't obese, you are a self-hating, self-torturing idiot who subscribes to anorexic beauty ideals.

It's incredibly sad that now there's this huge feminist movement about "yay, fat!" to the point where obesity--a metabolical illness resulting from people eating the stuff they aren't biologically designed to eat--is held up as "real" and the ideal. I don't mean healthy fat and being a bit jiggly. I mean serious obesity and your body being so saturated with excess insulin it fucks up your veins, makes your liver creak and makes your periods vanish. I'm talking about the sort of obesity which makes walking difficult, makes you pant with every step and makes it difficult for you to wipe your arse. Guess what? I've been there, and it did not make me feel any more "real" or like I was living up to the ideal of the enlightened, emancipated woman. No, actually, I felt like shit.

I couldn't give a rat's arse about beauty ideals, but I do give a rat's arse whether I feel physically ill. I'm talking about an illness caused by the shit we've been stuffing ourselves with ever since we invented agriculture, the blood sugar hell that makes people so fat the few people with metabolisms of steel are held up as beauty ideals. It's the fuckup that drives eating disorders, because it's nearly impossible not to gain weight when you stuff yourself with food that turns into sugar, and then you panic because you don't know what's wrong, and imagine that all food makes you fat and ill and then food becomes a nightmare. Thanks to the world running on carbs and the utterly, utterly flawed piece of crap that's known as the calorie theory, the majority of the Western world seems to have just accepted that there are only two choices: either you're fat or you are on some horrid, self-torturing low-calorie diet.

It's just so incredibly sad that people don't know there are alternatives, and how flawed the calorie theory is. Millions of women are yo-yo dieting on some horrible low-calorie soups, eschewing fat and attending Weight Watchers meetings and starving inside. And they keep getting fatter and fatter and more and more malnourished because nobody's told them it's more of a matter of fat/protein/carb ratios than calories. Nobody's told them the liver makes fat out of carbs, not out of fat. Nobody's told them carbs drive insulin and the too-high insulin is what drives that fat into their hips. And that fat doesn't make you fat, because it doesn't metabolise that way. Or if someone did tell them all this, they wouldn't believe it because the low-calorie, low-fat nutters are still the loudest voices, thanks to decades of lobbying from the sugar and agricultural industries.

But god forbid you should recommend low-carb/paleo because it's a horrible fucked-up fad diet, don't you know. Atkins is torture! (In the same way rehab is torture, because hey, you can't get your beloved carb fix.) Paleo is for macho bodybuilders! (Yes, because fuck evolutionary science.) And you should all be vegetarians, don't you know, and before you know it you'll have a vegan rubbing chili in your eyes because you are a horrible planet-destroying, animal-hating monster for daring to suggest humans have hunter-gatherer metabolisms or that local free-range eggs could actually be an ethical choice (this is what's happened to Lierre Keith a couple of times--someone who's already in excruciating amounts of pain every day because she fucked her spine up with twenty years of veganism). Wonderful.

Enjoy your illness, then. Enjoy powdering your bones with the low-calorie diets and protein deprivation. Stuff your face with that fucking pizza if it makes you happy, go on, eat the entire tub of ice cream in the name of not hating your body. And come back an hour later to stuff your face some more because your blood sugar's rollercoastering from the carb load. Again, this is your choice and this makes you a proper feminist and this means you are not torturing yourself, right? And the pizza's vegetarian and everything. Your conscience is secure. Go ahead. It's a free world. But don't fucking come to me and tell me I'm destroying my health and the planet and failing at feminism by eating what I was biologically meant to eat. Don't come and fucking guilt-trip me with your shitty graphics which assume the only alternatives are obesity or anorexia, because they fucking aren't--go do your research. Don't come and rub chili in my face in the name of justice and health when your stomach is still full of carcinogenic soy and rice shipped in from the other side of the world by the very multinationals you claim to hate. Don't yell at me if I mention carbs might be the problem, because I've got decades' worth of true, bodily experience of that bullshit and a stack of science to back me up. And you telling me to eat a pizza doesn't change the fact that it will make me (and eventually, you) ill. It's pretty much the same as with alcohol: fine in moderation, but you wouldn't want to have a pint of vodka with every meal. Nobody in their right mind would tell you alcoholism made you more feminist.

Tomorrow, I'm going to start shooting up heroin because that makes me a proper feminist. I'm only doing it to pamper myself and answer my body's needs, don't you know, and that's ~feminist~. Health is just patriarchal propaganda. And hey, I'm probably feeding a starving family in Afghanistan. Clearly this is morally legit, too.

Comments disabled because this entire post stems from yet another occasion of being overwhelmed by guilt-tripping, and I'm not in the mood of arguing. I just have to lance these boils sometimes and let the pus out.

food/low-carb, health, feminist, stupid people

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