Current mehm

Sep 13, 2011 23:53

Again, I'm stealing this from Astro because I'm way too bored and restless.

Current clothes:
Black leggings, black underwear, tight black v-neck t-shirt, cute knitted black stockings with white lace frills on top.

Current mood:
Bored and restless. Keep wanting to do stuff but I'm lacking focus.

Current music:
Nothing but the laptop's cooling pad and Noki's rumbling.

Current annoyance:
Health stuff. And the fact that Fright Night hasn't opened here yet.

Current thing:

This damn movie and this damn character and this damn actor and gaaaaaaaaah.

Current desktop picture:
Still the same old Radio Times stalker Master pic because it's probably the hottest pic of Teh Simmeh ever.

Current book:
I'm reading a Finnish anthology on Sufism (and have already forgotten a bit I thought would be useful for Persia), and have just started a book on Bengali Goddess-worship and I'm also going through some of Baudelaire's essays and shorts and I think there was something else, but I forget.

Current song in head:
The Butthole Surfers' Whatever (I Had a Dream). It's been stuck in my head for ages.

Current DVD in player:
Errrrrm. Don't think I have anything in at the mo. The last disc that was in the player may have been OldWho. Or Exile? Not sure.

Current refreshment:

Current worry:
Again, health stuff. And even more so, the jumping through hoops that's involved just to get treatment these days.

Current thought:
There are so many running through my head right now. From the health stuff to wondering what to watch next to what I should cook for supper tonight ("wonder if the spinach has gone off? Wonder if I have enough feta cheese?") to where the fuck can I find more Hiddleston omg to "why the fuck has my local movie theatre not listed Fright Night showings yet, aaagh, need leather Daves like burning" and "shit, where did I put the phone bill?" and all kinds of general restlessness.


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