Cat spam (click to embiggen)

Apr 15, 2010 03:18

The noon sunlight was beautiful today. And someone else was being beautiful, too. Sunbathing tiem!


Note Noki's bald tummy. She still hasn't rid herself of the bad habit of overgrooming her tum when she's nervous--it's a bit like nail-biting is to humans, it seems. (I have a bad habit, too--I faceplant in that tum at least once a day and kiss it silly. Because it's there.) She was licking it more when we'd just moved in, but she's starting to get used to the place. She's already found the best posing spots, as you can see. And I've been really impressed at how relatively calm she's been about the whole thing. She's becoming more serene in her old age. Five years ago, she woul'd be been peeing all over the flat.

GOLDENEEEEEEEEYE. She's very leonine in close-up. She had already started rumbling like a motorbike at this point.

And then she was doing that thing cats do when they want to get petted: she was twisting and turning on the floor and wiggling around trying to look as cute as possible so I would give her a good armpit scritch. It's a shame I didn't manage to include a sound clip of her chirps and creaks and urks and twurrrks when she did that. (And yeah, she *really* needs a grooming later tonight. I have no idea how she can get her coat to look that shaggy in two days.)

Especially when she takes such good care of it (or at least tries). Even I'm amazed at how huge she looks in these photos. It's like looking at a wildlife documentary.

And in the evening, after some groomings from the dutiful human slave, it was time to curl up in bed again. And lift one's paw on the mattress just so (the rest of her body is several inches lower on the bit with no mattress, so it's like a human slinging their arm over a sofa's armrest). She looks very thoughtful.

"I see. You're reading Tennant/Simm RPS instead of posting pictures of me. *Sigh* Don't think I won't note this down in my report, young lady."

In other news, tirede. And I will probably go to Helsinki with the folks tomorrow because there are epic sales on and I *still* need a new mattress. I don't know when I'll get to sleep. *flumph*

rl, photo posts, the black beast of aaaaargh, cat posts

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