Pairings meme thingy

Oct 01, 2009 02:31

Fandoms/pairings meme answers!

matildabj asked for Blake's 7:

OTP Everyone/Everyone, although Blake/Avon is my favourite. For the epic aaaaaaangst and because they're both big enough bastards to deserve one another. And the power dynamics are interesting and can go either way. I r wub my burly rebel vs. recalcitrant comptech and their straining shafts and quivering thighs.
Runner-up Avon/everyone and everything, Avon/Tarrant for the sheer hilarity of it.
Honourable mention(s) Bounty Hunter Blake/Everyone, Bounty Hunter Blake/Soolin, Dayna/Soolin, Vila/Soolin, Vila/Kerril, Blake/Deva
Crack pairing(s) Zen/Orac, Og/Jarriere (steverogerson made their tender romance real and unforgettable), Tarrant/Liberator, Dorian/Slave, Tarrant/Avon's glove, Avon/Bayban forbidden hatesex
Ship other people seem to like, but I don't Avon/Vila because Vila deserves better. Anything with Servalan because while she's an awesome character, she's also... Servalan.

cws_eat_chs wanted Who:

OTP It's not even a question. Doctor/Master. Always. Nothing says true love like 900 years of stalking, date rape drugs, murder, animal possessions, swordfights and suicide out of spite. And existing as a rotting corpse for hundreds of years just in order to grudgefuck your ex again some day. Ahhh. Romance is not dead. I R WUB THEM. Even as stickmen and puppets. (Also, the War Chief counts as a Master incarnation here.)
Runner-up Right now, Ten/Master/Jenny. Shutup.
Honourable mention(s) Two/Jamie, Five/Turlough, Four/Erato, Doctor/TARDIS, all of UNIT/all of UNIT, Two/Three hatesex, Master's face/Galleia's cleavage, Zoe/Isobel, Romana/Romana, Master/Susan, Ace/Leela, Bessie/Master's limo, Doctor's TARDIS/Master's TARDIS, Master/Donna because he hasn't faceplanted in a ginger woman's bosom in 4700 years, Ten/Reinette, Sonic Screwdriver/TCE, Sonic Screwdriver/Laser Screwdriver, War Chief/Security Chief/War Lord of bitterness and h8, Master/Goth, TEN/JAMIE NEEDS TO HAPPEN DAMMIT, Eight/REG!Nine, Jenny/Christina, the mysterious booze-drenched event only known as The Prydonian Clusterfuck of '92, Ten/Yana, SIMM!MASTER/MUFFINS.
Crack pairing(s) Various Doctors mindfucked into thinking they're chicks and kept in a harem by various Masters. What. Don't look at me like that, Five looks goooohgeous when Ten laces up his corset and Eight does his nails. Fem!Docs are all versaphile's fault.
Ship other people seem to like, but I don't Ten/Rose needs to DIAF, but this is nothing new. Jack also leaves me cold and he's already shagging everything in canon anyway, so it's not like I need to ship him (except with Tarrant of B7, like, now, but that's a whole new world of crack right there).

ushas42 asked for "A mythology. Any mythology." So I guess I'm doing several.

OTP Errrrrr, Persephone/Hades, but those versions in which she goes and stays willingly. As for the slash, AHURA MAZDA/AHRIMAN OTFUCKINP (they're like the Doctor/Master of ancient Zoroastrianism, in rather disturbing ways. They are mirror images of each other and keep fighting and are inextricably linked. They're the sons of time and space. Come the fuck on).
Runner-up Krishna/Arjuna, Rama/Hanuman... basically, Vishnu and his incarnations/everything, but that's an accepted position in Hinduism anyway.
Honourable mention(s) Lemminkäinen/everything. Also canon. Even his name means "lover-ling" or "loverboy" or "one who goes about making love". And yes, yes, I know the one in the Kalevala is a bit of an amalgamation.
Crack pairing(s) Errrrrrr... mythology is fulla bestiality and incest, isn't it? The real legends can outdo anything I can think up!
Ship other people seem to like, but I don't Greek heroes? Some of them are cool and totally Doing It, but very few get me going...

marah_sarie wanted the Boosh:

OTP Of course it's Howard/Vince.
Runner-up Old Gregg/everything.
Honourable mention(s)Hitcher/Old Gregg, Naboo/Bollo
Crack pairing(s) This is the Boosh! *everything* is crack *and* canon at the same time.
Ship other people seem to like, but I don't Errr, anything with Bob Fossil.

And for pineapple_sky: Devil's Ho!

OTP Sexby/Angelica. OH MY GOD, I SHIP THE MAIN CANON PAIRING. But that's because it was built on angst and UST and longing and hopelessness.
Runner-up Sexby/Rainsborough. I still need to write it, damn it. Especially Rainsborough's ghost sitting beside him at night and watching him and Sexby not being able to get much sleep. He's lying in a bed not his own, next to a woman he feels he doesn't deserve, and Rainsborough says nothing, just sits and *waits*. See why I need to write it?
Honourable mention(s) Prince Rupert/Sexby but it'd mostly be angsty abuse and Sexby would cry. But these are Simmtears we are talking about, so I can't say no to those.
Crack pairing(s)Sexby/Angelica's garter.
Ship other people seem to like, but I don't I don't know if this fandom has major ones. It has like three fics anyway.

the mighty boosh, memery, blake's 7, memery: fannish, religions, doctor who, crack, devil's whore

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