Derren, braiiinz, Baroque porn

Aug 04, 2009 19:55

-Brain geekery: How to build a memory palace. Duuuuuuuuuuuude. I love those things, but have never been able to settle on just one. The ideal one would have to be like a TARDIS. (Found via Derren Brown's blog--they always post cool links.)

-Speaking of Derren, apparently there's a new series by him on Channel 4 in September. FUK AND YS.

-Am not doing much. Trying to find crap to watch. Am gorging self on the 1996 Moll Flanders, which I remember seeing way back when. It gets better in the second half. And starts with River Song being adopted by Vicki and the Face of Boe (after being separated from her real mum by the Master. Or at least I think that was Geoffrey Beevers). And then she gets chummy with Emma Peel and James Bond and now she's kissing two lesbian pickpockets. Which is an improvement, since I haven't found any of the billion blokes she shags particularily fanciable yet (the good old period drama mullet wigs aren't helping--why on earth are they always so dreadful?)... but Alex Kingston is rather nommable and I WANT HER HAIR. (I know I'm getting old if someone manages to outdo me in Epic Ginger Hair and I envy them for it. Even if she must have extensions in that one and she's gone a bit blonde these days, her hair is generally pretty awesome.) It's interesting how Andrew Davies really started the trend for lolzy costume drama with monologues to the camera and such. Makes you wonder how much That Other Davies cheerfully ripped off for Casanova, because only now I'm seeing the similarities. I should watch it next or something, if I don't get a sudden attack of teh h8z0rz (because it's the sort of drama Rusty can actually do well, IMHO). I NEED DAVES. Or... um... speaking of Daves, is He Knew He Was Right any good? Because I still haven't seen that. ANYWAY. Baroque and tits and lols=can't go wrong there.

-So many people on the flist have been feeling utterly crap recently that I don't know what to do. *Hugs*, guys. Damn it. You'd better not be dead of swine flu or emo or anything and I mean it. (Has anyone heard from acidpenguin46? I'm worried because she's been gone for a week and when I last saw her, she was feeling feverish. Maybe this is stupid of me, but I do worry.) But... yeah. If there's anything I can do to distract anyone from their emos/illnesses/general misery, ping me or something. *squishes the lot of you*

derren brown wants to eat your soul, baroquepr0n, my flist fucking rules, needs moar daves, telly

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