
Jul 30, 2009 11:48

Nicked off Merel.

1. What did you have for dinner last night?
Uhmm. The same old boring mince'n'veg.

2. Have you ever wished you had a different last name?
Yes, quite often. Even Finns can't get it right. I'd change it into something phonetically pretty and yet easy to spell/pronounce.

3. Would you ever consider piercing your lip?
Nah. It'd irritate the fuck out of my gums, and I don't generally like lip piercings that much...

4. Have you ever cheated on a test in school?
A couple of times.

5. Something you used to love but have lost interest in?
The Sims. I used to be hooked on the first game, but when the second edition came out you couldn't really get good likenesses going. And it doesn't seem to be possible with the third one either. Even the best fan-made skin/mesh combos of various fictional characters are sort of... halfway there, and that puts me off. Which is possibly a good thing, considering how much time I'd spend playing the game. Or maybe it's a shame, because it'd be a great calming activity. I don't know.

6. If you're being extremely quiet, what does it mean?
I'm possibly dead. Or amongst way too many mundanes.

7. Have you ever kissed someone and never saw them again?

8. Do you announce when you have to pee sometimes?
Sometimes. It was extra irritating when I was on trazodone and had to pee like every 15 minutes (oh, that was fun at Redemption). Someone asked if I was pregnant.

9. Kids then marriage or marriage then kids?
How about no kids and probably no marriage either?

10. Do you hang up on telemarketers?
After telling them "no thanks"...

11. If someone offered you $80,000 to marry them for a year, would you do it?
Look, I'm probably the person who'd have to end up offering money to get someone to put up with me even for one evening...

12. Have you ever been rock climbing?
Not in a proper sport sort of sense. But I loved climbing steep cliffs as a kid. All my favourite hang-out spots were in the woods and beyond some steep cliffs. It made those secret places more special and made me feel like I was the only one who knew them. Which wasn't true, of course, going by the rubbish left in those places by winos, but still.

13. Do you get depressed about things easily?
Hell, yeah.

14. Are you a celebrity news junkie?
Not really. I'm crap at following even the actors I like, and I'm not really interested in their personal lives. Only their projects. I know what Tenninch and Squintface are doing next, so that's enough for me.

15. Water - bottle or tap?
Bottle in places where the water is too icky. Including my flat with its buggered-up pipes:(. Thankfully, tap water is nice and clean in most of Finland.

16. Do you use a landline or cell more often?
I don't have a phone connected to my landline, just a wireless router. So, technically speaking, I actually use the landline more because I'm always connected to the Internet and can spend days without using my mobile phone, but I only ever do phone calls on my mobile.

17. Do you earn your living doing what you love, or do you earn your living in order to do what you love?
I do what I love in order to survive, how about that? But I don't get paid for it. I don't think anyone would pay for the extremely porny sort (or even should, as fannishness can be wonderfully socialist at times, here defined as "from each according to one's ability, to each according to one's need"). Plus, what with fanboys now being TPTB: that, more than anything illustrates the need to tone down the fannishness when writing. I don't think I'd write *too* fannishly if I was contributing to a pre-existing franchise. As much as I'd love to have the Doctor and the Master on the TARDIS fucking each other stupid, it probably wouldn't be very good Doctor Who because I'd focus on the porn instead of the adventure/plot. And Who needs to be about adventure. (Yes, I know Shalka exists, and that could've been pretty good as a continuing story, I suppose, but would still have felt pretty AU...)

18. Do you love where you live?
It's better than many other places. It's not as quiet as you'd think, for a place that's in the middle of nowhere, but I would quite like to live closer to the city centre. Not because I miss the hustle and bustle of inner-city life, but I'd like to be closer to grocery stores and other places I need to visit on a regular basis.

19. Do you consider yourself religious? Spiritual? Neither?
"Religious" is a bit of a swear-word these days, isn't it? When it just means "re-linking", really, not so different from the usage currently meant with "spiritual". [/semantic pedant] I'm endlessly fascinated by the depth of human religious/spiritual experience and the psychology and the tools and the symbols thereof, but not so big on dogma or stereotypes or controlling people through *any* sort of philosophy/religion/worldview, no.

20. Were you raised in a family that participated in a religious tradition?
In a fairly secular Lutheran family, but the maternal has always had a conservative streak.

21. If you owned a restaurant, what kind of food would you serve?
Um, I'd hand the restaurant over to someone who had some imagination when it came to food and who could cook better than me! It'd probably be a low-carb one, though, because there isn't enough decent low-carb food available.

22. Do you clean when you're upset?
No. I can only clear the mess up a bit when I'm feeling okayish.

23. A college calls you up and says that you have been selected to take get any degree that you want on their dollar.... what do you choose?
Well, if they had no crazy deadlines and I could do it in my own time (read: it'd take forever), I'd probably do comparative religion again, and other cultural/anthropology-related studies.

24. Which store, excluding a grocery store, do you shop at most often?
Errrrrrrrrr. Fleamarkets, eBay, second hand bookshops?

25. If you were drafted into a war would you survive?
The psychological warfare between people in peacetime is bad enough, and I've already been pretty shell-shocked by that several times. Why else do you think I've got this minefield around me?


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