
Jul 22, 2009 06:08

GIP. See how reasonabsurd and marah_sarie rock? It all started here and the full animation is here. WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. (Mind, I still think he needs a little Master. Maybe they can collide in mid-air with a big smooch and in a shower of little hearts. I SWEAR THESE GUYS ARE THE CUTEST THING EVER.)

In other news, the Eleven spoilers are making me both :) and :/. Generally because River=fuck yes, although I'm not that sure I want yet more stuff about the Doctor's bloody love life. And a definite :/ because IT IS THAT FUCKING BEACH AGAIN. Christ. And River is in cuffs at one point and looks all glamorous and blonde and bitchy the Doctor looks grumpy when talking to her and... what. Please don't tell me she's the regenerated Master or something. Except she can't be, since it's THAT FUCKING BEACH. So she's somehow Rose and this will probably make another shipwar turn inside out when they turn out to be the same person? What. I don't know, man. Just get off THAT FUCKING BEACH again, guys. Seriously. No matter what the ship is, that beach has already been done to death. I swear to god, if this goes on the Welsh tourism board is going to go and rename that place... whatever Don'tCryEmoDoctorBeach is called in Welsh.

Ah, well. Anyway. Fuckit, puppet Ten flying around by shitting rainbows>everything. ♥

And I really should get off my arse and do those fannish picspams. When I feel less ug. I'm either having a two-day hangover or the swine flu or both. It's fascinating.

doctor who, puppetlove, my flist fucking rules, rumours/spoilers

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