Not Another Stupid Finnish Translations Sequel

Apr 17, 2009 23:43

Yep, more bad Finnish titles for movies and telly. The previous editions are all here.

The Devil's Whore: The Bride of Evil. (Pahan Morsian) it sounds like a Hammer movie.

Blades of Glory: Hockey Skate Dudes (Hokkarihemmot) Since these are most definitely figure skates we are talking about, not hockey skates, this deserves some kind of award for translation/lame humour fail.

Pushing Tin: On Risk Limits (Riskirajoilla) I swear to god, there are several straight-to-video/cable TV crap thrillers with this title in Finnish. Because it's the sort of lame title that gets used a lot. Doesn't beat the hilarious German title of "Turbulence and Other Catastrophes", though.

The Line of Beauty: The Forbidden Play/Game (Kielletty Leikki) yes. This is a classic straight-to-video translation title as well. They used pretty much the same title for "Inventing the Abbotts" as well.

The Thing: The thing--"it" From Somewhere (The thing--'se' jostakin) this is kind of beautiful in that it aims for Creepy Horror and yet only manages Helplessly Vague.

Mystery Men: Seven Completely Insane Superheroes (Seitsemän Seinähullua Supersankaria) this is a gem, because it's a complicated joke on a Finnish in-joke about the first significant Finnish novel. It's based on the name of a humorous music group poking fun at the novel. It's... just... yeah. It's very elaborate lameness, I have to give it that. (And damn it, I love this movie so hard.)

Kicking & Screaming: Fear And Loathing In Childrens' [INSERT SPORT HERE] League (Pelkoa ja inhoa nappulaliigassa) because nothing sounds funnier for a children's comedy than a reference to a book/movie about drugs. I swear, comedy titles are the fucking best.

And ohh, I almost forgot an old favourite:
Romeo Is Bleeding: In The Grip of The Mafia (Mafian Ottessa). And there was much headdesking.

Takeshi's Castle (Operation! Takeshi Castle): Those Crazy Japanese (Hullut japanilaiset). I'll just sit over here and marvel at this. Lololol them furriners r funneh!!!1

And the prize for possibly the lamest translation title of the year (or, hell, this century) goes to:

He's Just Not That Into You: "Leave Him! Do Not Waste Your Time On The Wrong Kinds Of Men!" (Jätä se! Älä tulhaa aikaasi vääriin miehiin!)


movies, stupid finnish translations, finland, telly

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