This and that

Mar 09, 2009 15:01

-Sent computer to be fixede. Now I just have to wait.

-Miss D like crazy, although this is nothing new. Argargarg. I hate having such an obsessive personality. Even though I suppose that can be dreadfully romantic at times. Or then it makes me look clingy. Or like a stalker. Take your pick.

-Went to sauna. Weighed self. I think I've lost about 10-14 kilos since December. I can't be exactly sure because I didn't weigh myself at the very start. But... yeah. 35-40 kilos to go. Yes, I am a fat bastard. On the plus side, if the weight loss continues at the same rate, this should mean I might look vaguely human and less like Jabba the Hutt by autumn. The funniest thing is that the biggest obstacle right now isn't eating right--it's the damn drugs that make me bloated and constipated. And the fact that the supplement I have to take now because of them is basically made of sugar--not the most helpful thing when you're on low-carb. I'm really surprised I've managed to lose this much, to be honest. An improved mood and being in love have helped, I think.

-It's always so bloody difficult to come up with fic titles. Somehow it's even more difficult when they are short, crappy crackfics. At least with serious Properfics you can be all pretentious and explore Deeper Themes and shit. Incredibly shallow not-very-good PWPs are a different thing entirely. I just want to make really awful porn jokes. Please fucking stop me before I decide that the title of a Tennant/Simm handcuff porn should be "Clink, Clink, Unf, Unf".

-Dad's comments of cute for today: "I saw SAMMY on the telly in something the other night! Some three-word title! And he had a beard!" "...State of Play? I think you might like it. Did it have Finnish subtitles?" "I don't know." Yes, he still refers to Simm as "Sammy". Probably because he knows it makes me roll my eyes. It's kind of sweet, though. He didn't spot the Guv in it yet:(. Oh, and he came and said hello to Noki today ("Hello, old Shitguts") and said "THERE IS GOING TO BE A CAT DOCUMENTARY ON TONIGHT. A FULL ONE-HOUR ONE!" and obviously, while that would not seem all that special, considering they've got like a billion cable channels, it is a major TV event for him.

-ANYWAY. Back to editing badfic. I must come up with a fic title before I fall asleep. I'm already nodding off.

computer woes, food/low-carb, writing, life the universe & everything

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