OMG. Poetry.

Nov 24, 2008 03:06

Put your MP3 player thingy on shuffle, and write down the first line of the first twenty songs. Post the poem that results.

Okay. Go on and laugh. I have actually left in soundbites from audio play thingies just for lolz.

Oh, you look so tired, mouth slack and wide
Sadness lives after we die
Who's so phoney and always surrounded?
Someone happy to suck his cock, metaphorically as well as literally
Breaking rocks in the hot sun
Coming back today, the pounding thoughts relay
There's a part of me you'll never know
You don't understand this
Kai joku hänet muistaa ("Someone may still remember him/her")
I want to crawl inside your soul
This means nothing to me
Die, die, die, my darling
Mistä ne lauloivat, mistä ne kertoivat ("what did they sing of, what did they tell stories of")
Paradise comes at a price
You must obey the dance commander
I could've been a killer, ha ha ha haaaa
I get high on a buzz, then a rush when I'm plugged in you
Never let it be said that romance is dead.

...that was psychotic. And I'm so glad it answered the questions it posed at the start with not just one, but two names. And speaking of girl names, I LOVE THE LAST SONG QUITE HARD TOO. And it doesn't help that it's been a crazy RPS song ever since last December, too.

muzak, memery

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