I see it's Midsummer.

Jun 20, 2008 17:35

Um, at least this'll mean we'll actually have this thing called "night" again in a while. I seem to have become grumpier at the perpetual sunlight after I moved into this flat about this time last year. Mostly because of the massive window that takes up most of my western wall. Which pretty much turns the flat into a sauna, and not a nice one. Curtains and electronic fans don't help much. That, and it also sucks to have the curtains down all the time because otherwise the sunlight will be so blinding I can't see anything!

But yeah, mostly it's annoying because it's a holiday and shops will be closed. This means I'll have to watch NuWho sober tomorrow, she said sarcastically. Do not want.

Um. Didn't mean to purely whinge. I'm not actually in a very bad mood, I just sound grumpy all the bloody time.

Yes. Well. Awake. Not enough new pr0nz on sizeofthatthing. Am trying to take a break from writing badfic, as it's embarrassing afterwards. So this won't be just a whinge post, have a link:

The 6 Most Badass Stunts Ever Pulled in the Name of Science.
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