1. What's your name: Teh Krz.
2. How tall are you: 152cm (5ft nuffink)
3. What color are your eyes: green
4. What color is your hair: Dunno if it counts as ginger anymore, it's become so fricking light and colourless. But once a ginger, always a ginger.
5. Are you Male or Female: Female, but I don't dig conventional ideas of female/male that much. Having said that, I'm still empathically female, in my own sort of... lazy femme sort of way. If I was a man in a past life, I would've probably been a frickin' dandy fop (but probably not excessively camp/stereotypically effeminate either).
6. What is your best feature (physically): Mah brane. IT IS A PHYSICAL THING, DAMN IT.
7. What's your shoe size: 36 to 37 North European, but I can fit into size 35 and my combats are 38 so I can get woolly socks in during winter.
8. Glasses, yes or no: I'd need them for longer distances but I don't exactly inhibit lecture rooms or things right now, so... I've lost them, anyway.
9. Did you ever have braces: Yes.
10. On a typical day you are wearing: something comfy and boring.
11. When you go to bed you're wearing: that comfy and boring stuff, especially now that it's cold. Usually underwear, leggings, a t-shirt.
12. work out/exercise about how often: Does wanking count?
1. Name five of your favorite bands: Dead Can Dance, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Muse, CMX and er... *flail* various stuff.
2. Name five of your favorite singers: A. W. Yrjana, Matt Bellamy (his voice fucking kills me), Lisa Gerrard, Siouxsie, and er... I love lots of singers, but feel a bit meh about listing them if I don't listen to enough of their stuff to call myself a fan. Like, say, I'm NGH about David Bowie and Leonard Cohen, but haven't managed to dig deeper into their stuff because I'm... not really as hardcore about music as most people are, just a few select artists. That, and some vocalists I like aren't exactly great singers. Or some are skilled with the actual singing but their songs may not be that special. I AM CLEARLY THINKING ABOUT THIS TOO HARD.
3. Name three songs you are currently playing nonstop: Kaiser Chiefs: Ruby, Paradise Lost: The Enemy, Anthony Perry's "Slow'n'Sleazy" remix of the Who theme.
4. Name one song (give lyrics) that best describes your life right now: CMX: Kuolemaantuomitut. Not sure if the lyrics are correct as it's probably a transcript...
Eikö se riitä,
siellä aukeavat
kultaiset portit päivään uuteen
ja vielä pyöri Maa
Eikö se riitä,
sinua rakastetaan
paljon ja aina enemmän
ja sinuun luotetaan
Eikö se riitä,
että joskus harvoin
kätesi piirtää rajan kestävän ja
...Valo viipyy matkallaan.
...Päivät vaihtaa kasvojaan,
...ja sinä kuljet läpi hehkuvan maailman.
Eikö se riitä,
vielä pakahtuvat
tunteesi monta kertaa rikkinäisen kauneuden edessä
Eikö se riitä,
aina kohoavat
hohtavat uudet reitit aamupäivään matkasi tiellä
...Aika vyöryy radallaan.
...Kuivat tuulet pettää maan,
...ja sinä kuljet läpi hehkuvan maailman.
On joskus kasvoillasi kivun kartta
ja joskus auringon seitti,
ja tiedät olevasi vielä täällä.
Ei mikään tapahdu huomenna.
...Valo viipyy matkallaan.
...Päivät vaihtaa kasvojaan.
...Aika vyöryy radallaan,
...ja sinä kuljet läpi hehkuvan maailman.
5. Name one song (give lyrics) that best describes your life one year ago: Pass.
6. When you're driving, what are the preset stations on your radio: I don't drive.
7. What's the last CD you bought: Um, probably a CMX one. I'm crap about buying CDs these days.
8. Was the last CD you burned an actual CD or a mix: I don't even remember burning CDs! I did a Muse timecock mix, but didn't burn it.
9. Name one song/band/singer you're embarrassed to like but do: How much time have you got? Ummm... let's say Danzig, because it's so fucking cheesy.
10. If you could only attend one concert ever again, it would be: I'd love to see Muse live. One day.
11. Name one band/singer you absolutely can't stand: Most of the crap in the charts. Um. TONE DEAF KEFF!
12. Name a group you used to like but feel you've grown out of: This is hard to respond to as I've been going back to stuff I thought I'd grown out of during the past year or so. Um... I'm not a metalhead any more, but still listen to the stuff now and then (fuck, I've even been downloading Cradle of Filth recently, yes, you can laugh) so fuck knows.
1. Name your favorite actor: if I only have to say one, it's going to have to be John Simm. Bastard keeps breaking my heart.
2. Name your favorite actress: Isabelle Adjani.
3. Name your favorite television show right now: Ummm. Nothing current, but I worship Life on Mars to tiny bits.
4. Name five really cool movies you've recently seen: pass.
5. Your favorite canceled television show: Most of my favourites aren't on any more! I think only Who is still on...
7. Name one movie you wish you hadn't wasted time/money on recently: Not recently, but I was disappointed with The Libertine.
8. You would never watch a movie with: Never say never. I really get squicked hard by realistic rape scenes/abuse/the sort of violence that's far too much like RL, but those scenes don't necessarily make a movie bad. Depends on the approach. I can't stand Clockwork Orange, f'rex, but I'm fine with Tarantino. *shrug*
9. Favorite candy/food to watch movies with: er, normal food... at home.
10. Three favorite tv channels: they'd be UK ones, and even then there's a lot of crap there. Still wish I could get UK channels though.
11. Favorite reality show: I hate reality TV with a passion.
12. Favorite character on a reality show: Fuck off.
(Write the first word/thing/person that comes into your head when you read this word:)
1. coffee: twitching.
2. dog: Buttrocket.
3. slut: Ten.
4. candy: hard candy.
5. pole: pole-dancing!
6. ocean: salt.
7. brave: "Brave heart, Tegan."
8. loving:
This. It makes me smile back automatically.
9. cookie: chocolate chip.
10. death: grim reaper.
11. life: an electric, current, a thread connecting everything.
12. child:
THIS. Made me laugh too fucking hard.
1. Ten guilty men go free OR One innocent man goes to jail for life: Whichever has the bigger ratio of locked-up assholes.
2. Eaten by a lion OR Eaten by thousands of small insects: Lion, plz. At least it's quicker.
3. A life of contentment without love OR A life with love and heartache: Eh, it's not all about romantic love. Contentment and love can exist without romance.
4. Skydiving from a plane OR Bungee jumping off a bridge: neither.
6. No television OR No music: Well, I don't own a telly, but I do obsess over TV programmes. So it'd have to be telly over music.
7. No more pizza, ever OR No more chocolate: Drop the pizza, if you insist.
8. A trip to Europe OR a trip to Hawaii: Europe.
9. An hour with your future soul mate OR An hour with a lost loved one: The future soulmate. What's gone is gone.
10. No longer being able to cry OR No longer being able to feel the need to cry: Both would be fucking awful.
11. Sex without love OR love without sex: GRAH. Love without sex, if we go for the widest meaning of love again.
12. Loving someone who doesn't love you OR being loved by someone you don't love: Fuck. Probably the first.
1. Are you currently in a relationship: Technically? Probably not. Am I crushing fucking hard and addicted to someone? Yes.
2. Are you currently looking/interested in someone: Not looking.
3. Are you a virgin: Only in the starsign sense.
4. If yes, how long do you plan to be one: AHHHAHAHAHAHA. How the fuck can you plan that? It's like that crap where you decide you'll be married at a certain age or something. Life doesn't work that way.
5. How many times have you been "in love": Countless times.
6. Looking back, how do you feel about that person(s) now: Depends on who it is.
7. Name three things (physically) you look for in someone: eh. If I'm shallow about it, I go for skinny blokes and curvy chicks, but... that doesn't mean I won't fancy someone if their personality is just NGH.
8. Name three things (mentally/emotionally) you look for in someone: intelligence, sense of humour, being passionate about things.
9. Biggest turn offs include: too much testosterone/butchness/arrogance, being emotionally aloof and strict so you don't know if the person is fucking sneering at you because they keep their thoughts/responses to themselves and you don't know what they think of what you've just said, good or bad--ARGH! And and and the good ol' stupidity.
10. Your ideal date would be: Fannish madness! Video marathons and geeking out. Taking someone to Redemption, perhaps, if I could be sure they could take a whole long weekend of fandom craziness.
11. You want to get married, where, when, how: I'm a bit cynical about that these days, but... it'd be outdoors!
12. Does anyone have feelings for you right now that you don't return: I mostly feel I'm not being a good enough friend and not giving people enough attention while being a fucking needy/grumpy bitch myself. Romantically? Can't be sure, but I hope not.
(of your friends, who would you say is:)
1. The one you immediately go to with a problem: the flist! Even though it's... usually venting rather than Looking For Big Great Answers.
2. The most rational: I can think of a few really sensible people who usually manage to calm me the fuck down. Not just one.
3. The funniest: Again, it'd be unfair to pick just one. Several of you crack my shit up.
4. The one you spend the most time on the phone with: Not onna phone, but I'm always chatting with
sam42. And feel crap when I'm not able to.
5. The craziest (but in a good way): I wouldn't be friends with people who weren't at least a bit crazy! The crazier the better.
6. The most honest: Eh. I keep grumbling so much that I'm not surprised if people keep their mouths shut about some stuff...
7. The purest: Depends what you mean by purity, but I'm instantly thinking of
mytsis and
tindomerel. In the sense that both of them have this amazing ability to be in love with life and see beauty in so many things, and have such great imaginations. The ability to bounce back after darker times. Hard to explain.
8. The smartest: Fuck knows, I tend to prefer the company of brainy people!
9. The most athletic: Ummmm. Dunno. Probably
10. The most compassionate: No single person.
11. The one most likely to get thrown in jail and why: Um. Fuck knows. If there was an internet jail, I'd get thrown in for flaming:(. Or obscenity charges.
12. The last one that said "I love you": Probably
sam42... :) and Noki keeps purring, so that probably counts, too.