Yah, I'm refusing to filter my posts any more than I already am, 'cos I fucking hate it. What I hate more is LJ's decision to allow every other fucker to police other LJ users, to become fucking net nannies. Look! WE CAN ALL BE BIG BROTHER!
Go to your
LJ viewing settings to fix the adult filtering they've put on your LJ without asking. If you haven't done so already. Wankahs.
Speaking of wank, if and when I end up on fandom_wank, I don't want to know, ok? It'll just stir up more wank. I'm really better off not knowing. I've ranted before how fucking much I hate that going-crying-to-the-big-girls attitude of that place and just the general ganging up on people crap. I usually know when I've been a wanker and all that. Don't need extra twats telling me that (and in most cases, them being people who don't even know me).
But yes. Should possibly post underage animal twincest crapslock porn without an LJ cut or something, just out of spite. Bloody Six Apart.
That, and I'm bored. Fell asleep last night before having a chance to porn at
sam42 and/or
45eugenia despite ACTUALLY HAVING THE MOJO.
Oh, and we found bits of Alexandra Moen naked and unfing. Shit. I should probably spam LJ with those videoclips, yeah? Dunno why, maybe I'm actually ovulating this month or something, but I seem to be in the sort of mood where my porning/wanking fantasies include lots of drooling-at-lady-bits, which is why I'm probably best utilised for filthy fictional character het right now than RPS, not that I'd say no to either. Look, for once I'm in a Master/Lucy-Mary-Sued-To-Buggery mood, enjoy while it lasts... (and it is odd. I'm being gay and thinking of het, while putting myself in the position of the male. Which, er, probably isn't that weird, considering that most of the time I porn through male bodies anyway. As guilty and as Betraying Teh Sistahs as that may be. Am a bloke inside.)
Need tea. Need to open the first door on my Dalek advent calendar. CHOCCIES. CHOCCIES IN A FUCKING DALEK. This pleases me.