1. Am loving the
Personal Fanon meme. Have so far found out a) what really fucked with Stark's head, b) what Sarah Jane did after Hand of Fear, c) marvellous things about Deva's Hair, d) The Brigadier/his tache OTP, e) Evil Jenna, f) Vila's sisters g) nothing new about Carnell but elaborations on Max. Oh, damn it, half of these make me want to write fic. Especially Stark and Max, because the crazy is just that good. Stop me or I'll fic those two together, because it'd work: Max would use Stark's sensitivity to judge whether particular formulae were effective in summoning various Ancient Powers and shit, and eventually Stark would just gibber madly in a corner when Max did sex communed with Daemons and various other aliens-Who-has-explained-various-mythological-beings-as. *Max sashays forth in robes* "Lesser Banishing Rite of Arsegram tiem!" *Stark cowers* "DO NOT WANT!" Sorted!
2. Am also in love with
two_love, more specifically with
lithrael's smashing
Salamander/Jamie-Two/Jamie pr0n and
vandonovan's Jamie photo archive, including
3. Further Fannish Thought has led me to the conclusion that Victoria, like Peri, was there just for the screaming and the norks. This explains Two Doctors, a bit.
4. Speaking of Who fandom, happy birthday,
nostalgia_lj! If I had a TARDIS I'd so cart a load of Bru, Ace's supercharged baseball bat and, er Ten over. Yes. have a good day with rats and Mim and Who, yes.
5. Have cold-like symptoms. Bugger. May need further rest.