One year ago I would've never used this term, but... CARNELLGASM. And all sorts of other fannish 'gasms. *continues with spastic fannishness*
I still want to shout "TWISTED FIRESTARTER" at the theme tune, is this wrong of me?
Carnell is even more outrageous in this one, it seems. Oh, *dear*. Not a trace of camp anywhere.
Tudders! Miles!♥ And thanks for getting these autographed, Gina, Miles's "big hi" is quite nice:)
I do love Carnell's narration:D. I can just see him lounging while he dictates this, as lazy as a house-cat who's just stolen tuna from the fridge. Mm, n00bs.
PD's husky snarling still makes me crack up every five seconds. BLESS.
And Boucher has a skull fetish, oh yes.
Uvanov is wub. I miss Russell Hunter:(.
Ooh, he's really pissing Iago off now:D.
I love Blayes. Lots. And the bickering with Cotton.
Carnell is *such* a drama queen:). I'm still surprised anyone ever asks his advice because he's such a sneaky bastard. Maybe he just hypnotises everyone...
"Yeess. To be truly vicious, you do need to access your feminine side." Hello, someone's in danger of out-camping Darrow here. BWHAHA!
Iago: "One day, Carnell, you're going to die of terminal smugness."
Carnell: "I'll try and make sure that you're there when that happens. In the meantime, what is it that I can do for you?"
Carnell, to Iago: "You know me so well. Are we going to be friends?" STOP SLASHING THEM! AAAAAAAGH!!!!!1
So, hm, not as funneh and actiony as the first one, but I quite like the idea of it all being Carnell's puppeteering plan. He'd do anything to un-bore himself, wouldn't he?