Fannish Friday Five

Mar 16, 2007 15:38

Who are your five favorite fictional teachers or mentors?

-THE DOCTOR. Most definitely. And I mean the Old Skool Who Doctors from Two to Five.

-Zhaan, off Farscape. Because I worship a Goddess too. And her devotion is something I aspire to.

-Roj Blake. Never stop rebelling against The System. Ever.

-The Mole from Wind In The Willows--live each day to the fullest, be intoxicated by the beauty of everyday things, sensations, everything. With an open, innocent, child's mind.

-Robin Hood. In most of his incarnations. Especially the first Robin in Robin of Sherwood. Stand up to bullies. Stand up for Justice. Respect Nature. Remember that you are but a leaf driven by the wind. So this should probably be Herne The Hunter rather than Robin...:)

fannishness, memery, fannish five

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