Jane's Photo Diary...

Jul 16, 2012 10:49

So I made a crappy 'photostory' of Jane's diary... None of the pictures are new so if you don't want to read my tl;dr story you can skip this!

Author's Notes...
1: I'm working on writing my crazy doll story as an actual story. I think it counts as fanfiction because I stole the dream technology from Inception, but it's my characters, not the Inception characters. So someday I'll get the guts to post some of that!

2: Jane is only writing about the people in my story who exist in the 'real world.' This means that she won't talk about Vera (who isn't in the storyline really) or Isol and Morgan (who only exist in the dream world). She also won't write about young Evie, because at this point in the story, Evie is already nineteen. Sorry! Also, this is supposed to be for her professor, so Jane *does* know about a lot about the dream work, but she's not talking about it here.

3: Ummm... Jane's writing style is exactly like my casual writing style because... I don't know. I'm lazy. But I have noticed that that is true, and I'm just not fighting it! ;)

September 7th
So, I'm concentrating in oils, but I'm taking a photography class just for fun, and Professor Jensen assigned us this "photographic diary" assignment, which kinda just sounds like Instagram with commentary (sorry Professor! I know you're trying to be hip!). Sooo I decided I'll focus on taking pictures of my friends, and talking about them, since I paint a lot of portraits anyway, so it'll overlap. I guess you can tell I'm not a writer!

Glasses != writer

First pictures are me! I'm in my underwear because I'm a big ho! Just kidding, I'm in my underwear because I look awesome in underwear. Also it was the only way I could get Claire to pose in her underwear. That and saying I'd print copies of the pictures for her boyfriend Ethan.

Claire! She's my boss. She and her cousin Alan own the bar where I bartend, Robin Goodfellow's.

Claire was really nervous, I don't know why, she's not that shy in person.

She always wears that watch. It was her mom's. I don't know all the details, but Claire's dad and Alan's parents and their uncle died in some kind of accident, and Claire's mom lived, but she's in a coma.

Wow, sorry, that was a big downer to end on!

September 10th
I conned Claire into letting me take her picture again! Granted, this was at the end of the night at the bar, which is why she looks simultaneously primped and grumpy.

(Author's Note: Ignore the missing watch, it hadn't arrived from Luts yet!)
She's been having the Russian mobsters, these two crazy brothers called Dmitri and Nikola, in the VIP section a lot, and I think she likes them, but they're tiresome. Like, they have no actual life or anything to do, so they spend *all* their energy here. Anyway, Claire's a good boss. She tempers Alan's mood, and she's super badass. Like, I've seen her evict people from the bar with no mercy, just as tough as if she were a 500 lb. guy bouncer. She's randomly also really good at impersonations.

September 17th

This is Alan and Claire's cousin Evie. She's 19 and at Cornell for undergrad.

She was joking around about "strike a pose" here.

And this was when she told me to stop!

She showed up to visit yesterday afternoon and Claire was delighted to see her, but something is up between her and Alan. They had a gigantic screaming match this morning, so bad we could hear it in the bar (and Alan lives on the third floor!). Anyway. She came downstairs, walked up to Claire and was just, like, "Shopping?" I don't know Evie that well, except that Alan and Claire raised her after the accident with all their parents. Evie was ten, so I guess that wasn't too bad? She's totally hilarious, it's too bad she doesn't go to school closer or we could hang out. I can see why she and Alan struggle, though. She seems pretty used to getting her own way. But she's really subtle about it. When we went shopping we were entirely on her agenda, and I didn't even realize it until that night, when I was like, did I really spend an hour in H+M watching someone else try on clothes? But Alan does the same thing! You realize halfway through a plan that you're doing exactly what he told you the whole time. He's a bit more open about it. He just expects obedience, so you give it. That sounds really creepy when I write it down!

September 21th

This is Aurora!

I actually don't know her that well. She--or maybe her husband?--is a big donor to the university, but I'm not clear on where she got her money. But she comes to all the student shows, so Professor Collins was like, "EVERYONE BE REALLY NICE TO HER." She was in the gallery today and Georgia was helping me hang stuff, and we got chatting, so I asked if I could take her picture and she said yes! She's so pretty, her hair is, like, un-real. I mean, maybe it *is* unreal and it's extensions, but I sorta don't think so. I think I might paint one of these, in some pastely colors maybe. Haha, THAT will get the art department some money! We can buy an air conditioner and name it the Jane Gray Memorial Air Conditioner. Except I'm not dead yet!

She's adorable, she was clapping when I said I was done.

September 25th
Okay, I have to apologize here.

This is John and he hasn't cut his hair in over a year, so that's why it looks that way. He got out of the Army and his dying grandmother was reminiscing about how his curls had been so pretty when he was little, so he hasn't cut it since. Sorry I keep mentioning all this sad stuff from people's lives!

John is easily the coolest total nerd I know, and I'm an art student, I know a lot of cool nerds. He was at the bar one night, and some... employees of relatives of the Russian mobsters came in. There was a real, honest to god shootout at the bar, and John, totally unarmed, took out one of the thugs. I sorta saw him tackle the guy before I cowered in fear behind the bar. Alan came downstairs and was all "WHO ARE YOU?!?" and John's just like, "John? Derry?" So now he works at the bar as a bouncer. And he came in the next day and I was sorta afraid of him, he's really jacked even though he's kinda short (I'm not one to talk here though, I'm 5'2"!). But I started telling Ethan about where I was in A Song of Ice and Fire and John's immediately, like, gushing over how much he loves Tyrion. Well, gushing in a really shy-but-manly way.

I think I'm totally in love with him. But not really, but sorta, but not. You know. Claire thinks he's gay. We haven't seen him with anybody, so who knows? He's just cool. He studies Biology, he's in a grad program focusing on... enzymes? I didn't understand all of what he said, actually, but basically he wants to cure thyroid cancer, because that's how his grandmother died. And he roots for the Orioles, which I know because he came to a day shift in an Orioles t-shirt, and Alan made him change into one of Ethan's sweaters (Ethan is really thin so the sweater fit niiiice). Actually Alan pretty much ordered John to dress up all the time he's working, because he's so good looking. Which is true. God, am I sixteen? I'll shut up now.

One more, because he's adorable. ""You told me to wear a suit. I don't know what to do with my hands."

evie, jane's diary, claire, jane, john

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