Dolly to-do list...

May 18, 2014 20:41

Sand and blush Vala's body - 40%
Sand and blush Nikola's body
Sand and blush Dmitri's body
Sand and blush the other SSDF body
Sand and blush Samantha's body
Sand and blush Claire's body
Sand and blush Evie's body
Sand and blush Morgan's body
Sand and blush ghost Jane's body
Buy Victor a Dollshe 28M body
- Then sand and blush it
Paint Anblar's dragon
Sand little Morgan's body
Blush George's body
Do Alan's tattoo
Fix Sofie's toenails
Actually take a picture of George
Actually take a picture of Victor
Buy Sadol schoolgirl outfit for Vala
Buy Sadol suit for Nikola
Schoolgirl pictures of Vala and Sofie
Spacegirl pictures of little Evie and Morgan
Mirror pictures of Sofie
Toy pictures of Theo
Itty bitty titty committee pictures of Vala
Make SID t-shirt pattern
Re-make Delf girl t-shirt pattern
Sew matching elephant outfits for George and Georgia
Sew matching gold and silver dresses for Sofie and Vala
Take/find MSD wig sales pictures
Take/find SD wig sales pictures
Organize SD clothes and sell some
Make wig for Morgan
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