Fic Recs!

Oct 30, 2009 21:52

My Father Before Me

"You're not my real father, are you?" Patrick says, and time halts to a stop.
Rodney chokes on his food.

This is one of the only fics that has ever made me cry. It rings very true and leaves you hurting so good.

Animalia Sequence

O'Neill turned back to Carson, moving carefully now, obviously not wanting to dislodge the tarsier. All the fury had bleached out of his voice, replaced by quiet fear. John almost felt bad for him, but that hiked the guilt up a notch, so he pushed that aside, too. "Is he okay?"

I also cried while reading this one, but mostly because this is quite possibly the funniest thing I've ever read. Seriously, do not drink while reading!

fic rec

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