musings about summer

Sep 03, 2007 01:42

you know when you get into the last few weeks of school and summer seems like the best thing there ever was? yeah next time i feel that way i'm going to look back to this moment:

list of reasons why summer kinda sucks:
-it is ridiculously hot outside and global warming is only getting worse
-i spend 98% if my time completely bored out of my mind
-waking up so with the room so hot that it is better to wake up and go to the cool downstairs than keep sleeping
-junebugs give me the heebeejeebees
-i have 7 mosquito bites on my right leg
-did i mention that heat makes me cranky
-there's nobody to play with at my house
-twin brothers who have twin issues with pda with their gfs *shudder*
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