Fanfic rec (Drarry): Why Insulting the Boyfriend is a Bad Idea

Sep 30, 2014 19:23

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I've been reading an unhealthy amount of HP fanfic lately, and since it's "rectober" I figured I'd rec a few over the coming weeks. I'm going to try to rec those that aren't as commonly recced if possible. Details under the cut.

Title: Why Insulting the Boyfriend is a Bad Idea
Author: oldenuf2nb
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 7000
Summary: After Ron insults him, Draco is furious when Harry doesn't come to his defence.

Why I liked it: I love 8th year fics, and this one in particular is one of my favorites. Even though it begins with Harry and Draco already in an established relationship, we get several extensive flashbacks to how it all began which make you care about them as a couple and want them to get through this. The argument at hand just felt perfect for an 8th year setting--adolescent but not stupid, and the issues discussed were hot and meaningful. The way she wrote Draco I could just feel his hurt and anger so clearly, and completely empathised with him. But the way Harry made it up to him in the end was awesome too. All the details were perfect and the story just, yum!

“What’s the matter, Malfoy?”
Ron’s voice had been loud, and when Draco had turned to look, there had been no mistaking the disgust in his blue eyes, the curl of his full lip. Draco knew then that their reprieve was over.
“Don’t wanna be groped? After all, you’re the… what’s it called?” he looked at Granger as if he was searching for the word, but the nasty curl of his lip gave him away. “Oh, I remember. You’re the bottom, aren’t you?” His eyes were back on Draco, and they were ugly in their revulsion. “The girl. You’re the one who takes it up the duff, right? Cuz we all know Harry’s not grabbing his ankles for you, now don’t we?”
“Ron,” Granger had begun, but he wasn’t listening to her.
Harry had gone very stiff at his back, but he’d not said anything. The silence had been condemning and finally, Draco had carefully set his glass aside and risen with as much dignity as he could to leave the Great Hall.
“Gee, Malfoy, no offense intended,” Weasley went on when it became abundantly clear that the opposite was in fact true. He was doing everything he could to offend, as much as possible. Draco turned without looking at Harry and stalked towards the Great Hall’s open doors. “Don’t go away mad,” Weasley called after him. He heard someone else say “just go away,” and then there was derisive masculine laughter.

rectober, bottom!draco, drarry, fandom: harry potter, 2008 fics, author:oldenuf2nb, fic rec, pairing: draco/harry, era:8th year

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