Fic recs from HD-Smoochfest 2015

Jul 01, 2015 18:38

Another enjoyable hd-smoochfest has come and gone, giving us lots of wonderful fics to read. Here are my favorites from this year's fest.

Make My Demons Run by lauren3210, NC-17, 28,000 words
Summary: After giving evidence in defence of Draco at his trial, suddenly Potter is everywhere he turns as he completes his community service. Draco hadn't expected any of it, nor had he expected those long buried feelings he'd once had to come rising back to the surface. He definitely didn't expect what happened next.
Oh my god, I can't tell you how happy I am that this was inspired by my prompt, and that the author did an outstanding job on it! The result is such an emotional story, grappling with the themes of choices, forgiveness, and rebuilding. It takes its time, but it's so worth it in the end.
There are so many lovely, telling moments in this story, but I don't want to spoil them for you. But just, Neville! He's terrific. And Harry is amazing. Patient, and understanding, and giving Draco everything he didn't even know he needed. But also living with guilt himself, and needing Draco in return. And then, god! The sex at the end is incredible. It's the culmination of everything that came before, and is absolutely true to the characters and oh so emotionally cathartic. ( extended rec at hd-storyroom)

An Aching Soul by writcraft, NC-17, 15,000 words
Summary: Draco Malfoy escapes to the Muggle world to avoid his parents, memories of the war and Harry Potter. However, some things prove harder to escape than others as Draco realises when his favourite Muggle haunt is rudely invaded by a post-war Harry who is struggling to cope with grief, growing up and the battle with his inner demons.
Man, this was such a beautiful fic. The writing captured me from the very beginning until the very end. Not very long after the war, Draco keeps seeing Harry frequenting the same Soho bar that he does. But where Draco is losing himself in drugs and alcohol, Harry is losing himself in meaningless sex and dancing. They are inevitably drawn to each other and through fits and starts, begin to learn what each is really feeling and hiding.
I loved how the author showed every increment as their relationship progressed and how troubled they both were and yet how much they both wanted and needed the other, even if they themselves did not yet know it. Every milestone and difficult conversation is earned, and satisfies the reader as much as it heals the boys. And the sex is meaningful and hot too. Great fic. ( extended rec at hd-storyroom)

The Art of Perfection by create_serenity, PG-13, 19,200 words
Summary: Harry cursed the day he’d ever made the stupid bet with Ron because that bet was what had led to him being naked in front of a Muggle art class. Of course Draco Malfoy had to be taking the class, because that’s just how Harry’s life worked.
This story was an utter delight to read. The premise of Harry having to pose nude was made to seem plausible, and all the banter between him and Ron and Hermione and later Draco was great. I loved how interested they both obviously were in each other, and how they danced around each other for weeks, only able to mention their feelings when feeling the effects of alcohol. Very enjoyable! (And I feel like I should tag for alekina!Draco, because the description of him in this story is so clearly influenced by 'that picture' :)

Somebody to Love by khasael, PG, 31,400 words
Summary: Draco's life after the war is quite different than it used to be. When he finds himself cursed, with little hope for lifting the spell, he sets out to make the most of the time he has left. Getting to know his Aunt Andromeda and his young cousin Teddy feels like a good thing to do, even if it can't help him in the long run...or can it?
Very sweet, lovely and gentle fic with a "Beauty and the Beast" style plot. Draco is cursed to die within a year unless he can find somebody to love him - really romantically love him, no tricks. He doesn't believe it is possible, and just decides to concentrate on rebuilding family ties instead, which has the unexpected result of drawing Harry to him. Slow build, but very satisfying overall.

All My Hours by cassie_black12, PG-13, 4,600 words
Summary: Dragged to a Ministry ball by Hermione, Harry had thought things couldn't get any worse. Then he spotted Draco twirling Astoria Greengrass around the dance floor, and he knew how wrong he was.
Really sweet and lovely. I loved all the interactions between Harry and Hermione, Ginny, Blaise, and finally Draco. Everyone seemed nicely in character, and each was able to tell Harry certain hard truths in their own way. And Harry was an idiot, but understandably so. And then Draco was cool and poised but also clearly hurting, and also not willing to just give in too easily. Nice feels :)

Like Sparkling Wine by fantasyfiend09, PG, 1,300 words
Summary: Harry has learned that the way to enjoy a ball is to watch Draco enjoying it.
Just a lovely little vignette, showcasing an established relationship that's solid and supportive. Harry has no reason to be jealous and he knows it, so why shouldn't they both enjoy the ball in their own way? Perfectly alludes to the lyrics of the song without ever having to quote them, and paints a beautiful picture. And sweet without being cloying too.

author:fantasyfiend09, drarry, fest recs, fandom: harry potter, author:cassie_black12, fest:hd-smoochfest, rec list, author:create_serenity, author:lauren3210, 2015 fics, pairing: draco/harry, author:writcraft, author:khasael

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