Jun 19, 2005 14:30
Woke up from spending the night at Rook's House with Andy, Nick, and Drew. The night before, we left Drew up in Andy's room because he fell asleep first and Nick turned the fan on him to make him cold, and Nick, Andy and I went and slept in Andy's basement.
Nick had to leave Andy's house at like 10:00 for his sister's dance recital thingy. I woke up around the same time that he left. Drew somehow made it down to the basement in the middle of the night, because he was sleeping on the floor next to the couch I was on when I woke up.
Drew and I got up outta that bitch around like one and left to go pick up Jimi for a graduation party. At first Drew didn't want to go, but after a while Jimi and i convinced him to go... So we left for Calli Long's graduation party around like 2:00. When we got there, there was soooooo much food. Drew was freakin' out because there was candy on every table, free cheese cubes, and free pop.
After the party we went to Jimi's house and pretty much slept. When I woke up, Jimi came down to the basement with Amanda with him. Then we ate dinner. Then Drew left. Then Jimi, Amanda, and I went out on Jimi's pontoon. And then I left...
I love you Sam!