(no subject)

Jun 12, 2008 22:48

You know how sometimes people on your friend's list post about stuff going on in their life, and all of a sudden you think "Wait a minute? Since when are they working THERE? Since when are they dating HIM/HER? since when???" And then you wonder how you could have missed all that seemingly pretty standard information, but somehow you feel too ashamed to ask for clarification because it seems like info you *should* already know? It happens to all of us sometimes.

Please copy mine below, erase my answers putting yours in their place then post it in your journal! Please elaborate on the questions that would benefit from elaboration! One-word answers seldom help anyone out :)

1. First Name: Keith

2. Age: 24 (just a few days ago)

3. Location: Seattle, Washington

4. Occupation: Seattle Market Retail Training Coordinator, Apple Inc.

5. Partner?: Working on it - i basically hid from the world for 4 years during school, since I worked full time and went to school full time. Since i've finished school, I've been dating 3 people and its stressing me the fuck out.

6. Kids: I want them... eventually. When i make good six figures and can afford them.

7. Brothers/Sisters: One brother - 21, Married with a kid and a house. I see him pretty often, and my nephew is adorable.

8. Pets: Currently have 4 little kittens running around... but they'll all be off to foster homes soon.

9. List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life:
1. I'm graduating tomorrow.
2. Big things happening at work - exciting times. :)
3. I finally feel like I belong to the world again, and I've begun to understand people again

10) Where and for what did you go to school for?: University of Washington in Seattle - I went to school for 2 years and then took some time off because I couldn't afford to keep paying for it. But after a year of living in Boston and just hanging out, I came back to Seattle to finish and am now graduating with a degree in Political Science concentrating on European Integration.

11) Parents? Laurie and Bob - divorced, but on good terms... generally. I talk to my mom often, and I talk to my dad whenever we can catch each other. With school ending, I think i'll get to see them a lot more often.

12) Who are some of your closest friends?: Ian K is probably my only really close friend right now - didn't have a lot of time for many.

And for the sake of stalking me:
website: http://www.kmcdaniel.com (it sucks, I just made it as an example for work. but it has photos on it and such)
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