back to work

Nov 25, 2007 22:17

why does finale suck so bad? i totally cant do what i want to with it and i cant even save it as a pdf without it cutting something off, errr.
white russians with amaretto in them are even better, mmmm.
so is it sad that i cant remember what the difference is between my Beatles Great Mix and my Beatles Super Mix? they are so similar that i dont remember why i made them both and what really makes one so different from the other. thats what i get for having like 10 of those suckers. and i could make more too.
i have to teach tomorrow and i wasnt nervous until now. now im scared. fuck.
holy shit, the bears game today was insane. wow. that would have been so much fun to go to. oo, that reminds me i need to get those brian shirts for me and lizz, i keep forgetting. i hope they still have them.
i need to get breandans stuff ready to mail. and do a lot of other things.
i need an ipod. i need music in my car. and new breaks.
damnit, why this song? of course this song.

in my life, i love you more
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