Final Fantasy meme

Jun 05, 2011 21:48

For some reason I feel like doing a meme, as I haven't done one in awhile. So the Final Fantasy meme from onyxstraten and barrelgoddess, compressed into one day.

Day 01 - Your favorite FF game.
Either FF6 or FF10. Hard to say. FFT is also up there when including spinoffs.

Day 02 - Your least favorite Final Fantasy game.
FF2j is supposed to be pretty bad. FF1 is a weird case about judging in retrospect. So I'm gonna go with FF3DS, for all that it does have some merits. (Including spin-offs, there's obviously a bunch more stinkers a la Dirge of Cerberus I haven't played.)

Day 03 - Your favorite Final Fantasy theme/song.
Liberi Fatali, FF8's opener.

Day 04 - Your favorite Final Fantasy party from your favorite game.
Sure I'll be uncreative and say Edgar / Sabin / Celes / Locke like everyone else. (Though for power purposes, replace Locke with Terra, of course.)

Day 05 - Your favorite Final Fantasy City/Town.
Yeah, Midgar is very well developed. Still probably wins the award for most time spent in one city.

Day 06 - Favorite part of your favorite Final Fantasy game.
Why's it keep specifying favorite game? You'd think they'd want favorite part, period. Tempted to answer Midgar for the general question, but in FF6 / FF10... the part toward the end of FF10 where Tidus reveals what's likely going to happen to him but has gone forward anyway was pretty great. Or more generally the whole To Zanarkand section and the Yunalesca fight prelude.

Day 07 - Least favorite part of your favorite Final Fantasy game.
FF6: Dunno. There were some plot twists I kind of disliked but they're not really a "part" of the game. Grinding the auction house for ZoneSeek? Still, that's 10 minutes max. Nah, gonna go with Fanatic's Tower. Interesting idea, lame execution. After beating it fair and square once, I've always Moogle Charmed it since.
FF10: The bizzaro "pick up some items with a crazy camera" section before Jecht that you must do every time you want to beat the game. Still, again, it's 10 minutes max, can only be so offensive.

Day 08 - Favorite Chocobo Version.
Uhhhhhh. Chocobos are kinda all the same between games. Although FFT made them feel the most integrated in the world with all the choco cavalry you see and Delita's getaway steed. As far as plot chocobos, there's two picks, Boco and Frocobo. And I'm going with Frocobo 'cause he's pretty darn funny.

Day 09 - Favorite Moogle Version.
Once more, limited options. FF6 Mog wins here.

Dishonorary mention goes to Mognet in FF3DS, which encourages you to use DS wireless to send messages back and forth. To your FF3DS equipped friends. And rewards you with overpowered loot if you do it enough. WHY. Have they never heard of email? Why would I want to use FF3DS as a messaging client?!

Day 10 - Best Final Fantasy scene ever.
Uh. Still partial to the FF10 scenes above. But to mention the plot twist that actually surprised and impressed me, gonna go with Cloud's past reveal, where he tosses Sephiroth into the lifestream in the flashback after being run through by the Masamune. That was pretty damn badass, and made Cloud's past plot threads click into place. I'll also mention the scene before the last battle of FFT Chapter 1 as being pretty damn epic. Was NOT expecting that.

Day 11 - Final Fantasy game that disappointed you.
Ignoring games I didn't play (FF14 / FFX-2 /etc.) darthhowie pre-criticzed FF3DS, so I wasn't really dissappointed. Nah, going with FF13, because there were many reasons to think it'd be great. And many things are still very interesting about it. But the last quarter of the game... yeesh. Disappointment is the only proper word for it.

Day 12 - Final Fantasy game you’ve played more than 5 times.
FF4, FF6. FFT is in third place with 4.5 playthroughs.

FF1: 1.5
FF3DS: 1
FF4: Lots (~10?)
FF5: 1
FF6: Lots (~10?)
FF7: 3.5
FF8: 1.5
FF9: 1
FF10: 1
FF12: 1
FF13: 1
FFT: 4.5
FFTA2: .5
FF12RW: 1
FF7CC: 1

Day 13 - Your favorite version of Cid.
Probably FFT. You can argue his character was fairly simple in the "obligatory good guy general", but I thought it worked. FF12's evil-Cid was interesting too and probably runner-up. FF13 fail-Cid brings up the caboose, of course, since they blatantly could not figure out WTF they wanted to do with him.

Day 14 - Favorite Final Fantasy male character.
Day 15 - Favorite Final Fantasy female character.
Squall & Yuna.

Day 16 - Your favorite Final Fantasy limit break.

Day 17 - Favorite Final Fantasy mini game.
Triple Triad.

Day 18 - Favorite Final Fantasy opening sequence.
FF8. FF7 is a solid second.

Day 19 - Best Final Fantasy outfit.
Oh boy, sprite fashion. Yuna's FFX costume was pretty neat I thought. Simple yet distinctive.

Day 20 - Best Final Fantasy hair.
...what. Silly question deserves a silly answer, so I'm going with Sazh, 'cuz he can somehow hide a chocobo in his hair during battles & stuff.

Day 21 - Favorite Final Fantasy pairing/ship.
Sure, I bought Squall / Rinoa. Also, minor complaint: there are still too few villains who are either married or have an SO. Doing this opens up all sorts of interesting plot possibilities. See WA4's Scythe and Belial for example. As far as non-canon pairings, I was half-expecting Larsa / Penelo to be the canon pair, but nope, it was Vaan / Penelo after all. Despite them basically never talking to one another, ever, after the first third of the game.

Day 22 - Favorite Final Fantasy summon.
FF13's Odin was pretty sweet.

Day 23 - Least favorite Final Fantasy mini game.
The FF9 minigame. So random. (Some of the tiny minigames to get FFX Celestial weapons were also pretty bad, but they felt like tiny stupid one-shots, a la Lightning dodging.)

Day 24 - Best Final Fantasy quote.
So many good options!
"Then go talk to a wall."
"Animals have no God!"
"You sound like chapters from a self-help book!"

Just going with what easily comes to mind, since if it's good it better be memorable.

Day 25 - Final Fantasy game you plan on playing (old or new).
I guess I should finish FFTA2 some day. And maybe FF13-2, depending on the reviews it gets. Not much else, though. I tried Dissidia and it didn't appeal to me at all.

Day 26 - OMG WTF? Final Fantasy moment.
Bad OMGWTF moment: The transition between the second battle in the final boss sequence of FF13 and the third battle. See previous rants. W. T. F.
Dishonorary mentions: Surprise Necron from nowhere, the party standing around in FF4 original version as Golbez's arm stole the crystal.

Neat OMGWTF moment: Sure, I'm down for any Don Corneo plot from FF7.
Honorable mention: Metal Gear Locke leaving naked merchants and soldiers strewn about South Figaro.

Day 27 - Best Final Fantasy storyline.
Tricky. Gonna have to say FFX. It has some issues but the general arc is very well done, and it avoids some common potholes JRPGs fall into (see: Tidus vs. Vaan). FFT has what *could* have been the best storyline, but the Chapter 4 plot is too meh. Needed to be more about the civil war and Larg / Dycedarg / Goltana / Delita / Orlandu, and less about Vormav and the Zodiac Demons. Dycedarg was a cooler villain as the patricidal brother than Yet Another Possessed Demon. FF12 gets nice setting credit for perhaps making the most fleshed-out setting of any FF game.

Day 28 - First Final Fantasy game obsession.
FF2/4, definitely. I liked FF1 but played the DW games more. I played FF2/4 a billion times.

Day 29 - Current Final Fantasy game obsession.
Not really playing any at the moment. FF12RW and FF13 were the most recently finished, and they were both compelling enough.

Day 30 - Saddest Final Fantasy character death.
Not that many options in the running here, really. FF1-3 don't really count (I guess those sages die for stupid reasons in FF3 after attacking you but you're supposed to feel sorry or something), FF4 brings most of the dead cast back to life (so... Tellah is it for 'stays dead'? And the King of Baron?!), FFV has Galuf, FFVI has Leo and maybe Cid/Shadow, FFVII is the obvious pick, FFVIII kills very little of its named cast (Does... General Carraway die?), FF9 is similar (the nameless people of Terra blown up by Kuja?! Kuja himself? Nah, though the game seems to think you should be sad for some reason.), FF10 has some options, FF12 doesn't really, and neither does FF13 in terms of people who stay dead. Teta in FFT is more anger-inducing, not sadness inducing. FF7 and FF10's deaths weren't even directly sad... Aeris was still able to influence events somewhow, and FF10 played up that Tidus at least made it to the Farplane with Auron and Braska, so they're sad-happy. I guess I'll still say FF10 but awkward question.
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