Note: I *majorly* messed up last turn's builds by copy & pasting the previous years for a start, and then failing to replace Victor's builds. He actually only had 1 build and built A Edi; hence the amazing invisible A Lon + F Edi. That said... it barely mattered at all, so here we are. Would have written something funny about the cloaked units, but I've been behind, so just posting 'em.
Spring 1906
England (Victor Galis)
A Den-Bal-Lvn (*bounce*) 1:1
F Bal C A Den-Bal-Lvn
A Kie-Ber (*bounce*) 1:1
F Bar S A Edi-Nth-Nwy
F Swe S A Edi-Nth-Nwy
F Nwg S A Edi-Nth-Nwy
F Nth C A Edi-Nth-Nwy
A Edi-Nth-Nwy
France (
A Munich -> Silesia
A Burgundy -> Munich
A Ruhr Supports A -> Burgundy into Munich
A Paris -> Burgundy
F Western Med supports F Tyrrhenian
F Tunis -> Ionian (*bounce*) 1:2
F Tyrrhenian supports F->Tunis into Ionian (*cut*)
A Marseilles H (No moves received)
Germany (
A Ber H
Russia (
F GoB -> Lvn (*bounce*)
A StP -> Mos
A Fin -> StP
A Sev -> Arm
F Bul -> Bla
F Con S F Bul -> Bla
Turkey (Chris Kessler)
F Bla S A Arm->Ank (*cut, dislodged, retreat to: Arm, Rum, Sev, OTB*) (retreated to Rum)
A Arm -> Ank
Austria-Hungary (Daniel Taylor)
Ar Vie - Boh
A Tyr S Ar Pie
Ar Pie S Ar Tyr
Ar Gr - Bul
Fl Aeg - Ion
Fl Nap S Fl Aeg - Ion
Fl Rom - Tyr (*bounce*) 1:2
Ar Tus - Ven
Spring 1906 map.
Fall moves are due by Friday the 14th.