Dammit, I haven't continued my
sentient_icons project of Team 8 in a while >_<;; Some of them have been done around 1 or 2 months ago, but I felt wanna post more than these ._.;; Enjoy my crappy works, anyway.
ladyofcarribean @
snowflake_iconsSeries: Naruto
Icons: 22/25
sentient_iconsStatus: Incomplete
01: Anger
02: Angst
03: Anxiety
04: Craziness
05: Desire
06: Determination
07: Energetic
08: Euphoric
09: Excitement
10: Fear
11: Frustration
12: Happiness
13: Indifference
14: Jealousy
15: Mischief
16: Nonsensical
17: Optimism
18: Pessimism
19: Sadness
20: Satisfaction
21: Seriousness
22: Surprise
23: Tension
24: Thoughtful
25: Tranquility
♥ Comments and feedbacks are love
♥ No hotlinking
♥ Please credit me when used!
♥ Although it's not required, you could take the 'Akamaru' icon one xD;;
♥ No editing
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