(no subject)

Aug 10, 2008 05:32

I'm listening to "realize"  by colbie callait... this song totally reminds of michael. not sure why. this wasn't one of the songs he used to play. I don't know where he is. he was here. i walked in the door, and i dropped my god damned purse.

you can pretend you're not still in love with someone. you can stay away from there, you can laugh at them when they're eating the cake you made for your best friend. and when they say they don't like chocolate, you can bite your tongue. or you can say, "i know you hate chocolate i was tlaking to sam today about baking peanut butter cookies, and how i want to to put chocolate chips in them. because the last time i made peanut butter cookies, i didn't put any chocolate chips in them, because I know how you hate chocolate." and all he said was "i think sam's looking for you"

I fucking love you, you fucking idiot. i called you a piece of shit last week, adn i know you heard me.and russ said, "i don't know what's going on with you two, in fact, i dont' even know who this mike character is, but i can tell from hte way you're tlaking abot yhim that you;re still in love with himl"  you know what russ? you're right.

it took me not even one second. i got near him, and i just swelled uop inside. it's lik eeverything was goodagain.

tyler's here. tony;s' here. both of them were crazy goodin bed, but michael, the one i never slept wth, that's the one i want to spend the night lying in bed with, juust touching him andf holding him because he reminds me of what happiness is. iknow i'm quptong Cats, and maybe qutoing lines from musicals is lame, and i know i';m going to end up going t bed with tony to quell the lonliness because he's here and because i don't want to lie there on the couch, staring at the lazy-boy thinking about how amazing michael looked, lying in it.. his eyes are too blue, his hair is too black. his arms are too nice, his smile is too perfect, his evetything is too enticing, and i just want to touch my lips to his.

he's amazing, and i only wish he could see that he is.

he make sme  fee l whole again. he's the only one that oculd ever make me say JESSE WHO.

jesse who.

michael, i love you and i want to spend the rest of my life with you byt  mny side.
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