1) Starting Time: 6:45
2) Full name: Dominique Denise Marie Giasson St-Hilaire
3) Nicknames: Mique, Nique, Bella, Bella Bumbina, Dee
5) email address:
7) Height: 5'7 ish or something
8) Siblings: Eric
9) Ever been kissed: yes
10) Ever cheated or been cheated on? nope
11) What do you want in a relationship? fun, for there to be sparks, not too clingy, no public affection, for both of us to care and respect each other.
12) Ever missed school because it was raining? nope
13) Kept a secret from everyone? yeah
I4) Had an imaginary friend? nope
15) Wanted to hook up with a friend? yeah hehe
16) Cried during a Flick? Yup
17) Favorite Movie?: Green Mile
18) Ever thought of animated characters as hot? Ummmm possibly
20) If someone you didn't know were to just ask you out, out of the
blue, what would you say? how bout i give you my e-mail first
21) What's the first thing about a guy or a girl you notice? Height, eyes and smile
22) Shampoo : Different types cuz they're all running out... but right now it's dove conditioner with Finesse... hahah what a mix
23) Color: Red
24) Summer/Winter? autumn... but ummm Summer i suuupose
25) Favorite flower? hmm... Lilies?
26) Lace, silk or satin?: satin
27) Like anyone: nope
28) known the longest out of your friends (or acquaintances): Amanda Vermeire
29. Who's the loudest: Lysh
30) Who's the shyest: Marie
31) Who do you go to for advice? my friends and soooometimes my family i guess
32) Who do you get along with? All of my friends but i go to certain ones for different reasons
---------IN THE LAST 2 WEEKS HAVE YOU------------
33) Cried: yes
34) Been kissed/made out with someone: yes
35) Acted blonde?: yes
36) Been sarcastic: course
37) Been Grounded? nope
38) Talked to someone you have a crush on? no crush
39) Told someone you loved them? yeah
40) Hugged someone: yeah
41) Been depressed? ummm yeah actually
42) Wished upon a star: yeah at the lake :)
43) Laughed until you've cried: hahah many times
44Played Truth or Dare: yeah :)
45) Watched a sunrise/sunset: Yup at the beach <3
46) Went to the beach at night?: yup
47) Broke up with someone?: nope
48) Just sat and thought, looking for answers? many times
49) Are you lonely?: sometimes...
50) Are you happy?: most of the time
51) Are you talking to someone online?: yeah
-----------DO YOU BELIEVE IN.......------------
52) Good/evil: yes
53) Love: yes
54) The Closet Monster: nope
55) Santa Claus?: no .. sadly
56) Heaven/ Hell?: yeah but hell not so much.. well, not at all
57) Superstitions?: yeah sometimes
-------ODD QUESTIONS---------
58) Half empty or half full: half empty
59) Love anyone?: my family and my friends
60) Favorite quote: ummm dunno
61) When was the last time you showered?: this morning
62) What was the last thing that you said when you were online? caro?
63) What is right next to you?: a calculator and some other crap
64) What is your computer desk made of?: fake wood
65) What was the last thing that you did: ate
66) Where do you want your honeymoon: in a lodge somewhere but nowhere too hot...
67) Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: we'll see i guess
69) What type of weather?: Last time i checked it was opuring rain and it was humid but i don't know anymore
70) What did you do last night?: I had a couple of people over
71) do you have a job? nope
72) What do you do for fun? friends, computer, going outside, reading i guess... drawing? music...
73) All time favorite TV show: Seinfeld or Sex and the City
74) Dream vehicle: a nice red one
75) What do you want to be when you grow up: i really dont know anymore... I realised that kids can bug the crap out of me... sooo... i dont know about a teacher anymore. But a psychiatrist interests me
76) Favorite music? alot of different things but right i guess rock...
77) Favorite singer/group: right now it's metalica, everlast and coldplay
78) Favorite food?: cookies, carot cake, pizza, steak, lazy women's breakfast, chinese food
79) Favorite Song? last kiss by metalica
80) Favorite day of the week?: friday
81) Favorite Animal: dog
82) Where would you rather spend your day instead of school? the beach with friends
83) If you could change your name, what would it be?: umm good question.. i really dont know
84) Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: nope... they take up too much of my space haha
86) First Son's name?: no clue
87) First husband/wife?: dont know
88) First daughter's name?: dont know.. haha too lazy :P
89) Silver or Gold?: silver
90) You like scary or funny movies?: Funny movies
91) On the phone or in person?: in person
Lust or Love: love
93) If you could change something about yourself, what would it be?: bigger boobs and hips
94) Do you have pets?: one dog, snicker
95) What kind of pet do you want?: i already have what i want
98) Who sent this to you?: i saw it in chels' lj
99) What do you think about this person?: amazing :) <3
100) Do you want your friends to do this survey? if they want to :)
101) Time Finished? 7:21 buuuuut i was doing so many other things!