Rayne - Finishing What You Start part 1

Apr 13, 2006 09:32

In the Begining
Series Title: Finishing What You Started
Author: snowflake25
Disclaimer: Joss is Boss, and I know for a fact that I'm not Joss.
Rating: R
Spoilers: None, but timeline is after BDM
Summary: Jayne starts something, River tries to finish it but then Jayne shows her how the game is really played.
Author note: My beta wanted Rayne. So I wrote Rayne. Then I remembered, I don't know how to write anything other than smut and I can't seem to write one-off stories. So … well there you have it. First time in this fandom so please be nice.

"I said quit, little girl!"

His words push at her and no matter how hard she pushed back they still make a dent.

"Not her fault. Did not originate with her. You start the pattern, she completes the reel. If it is so bothersome why must you precipitate these thoughts at the most inopportune times?"

He is the one that started this with a simple flash of image. Just a quick thought of how she would look during sex. Pass the protein to Mal, Crazy Girl getting sexed up good and proper, this doesn't taste as bad as when Simon tries to make it. It wasn't some long drawn out fantasy. Those were easy to shy away from, but this, this was too fast to avoid. And she didn't want to. The image was of her and therefore belonged to her. Was her right to see herself as he saw her. Naked and writhing. It intrigued. It inflamed. It made real feelings surface under her skin. A real girl with real feelings for a real man.

He was so frustrating. Full of contradicting thoughts and feelings and emotions and pulls and pushes. It was so much easier before when it was just him against the world, no crew to consider. Was once black and white, no shade of grey, but now there is ocher and cayenne coloring his mind. Black silk and red satin. He always did look better in red. Deep rich oozing red that flows like a river… Just like she would flow if only…

"GORAMMIT girl! Don't you be starting nothing you can't finish!"

He doesn't like the feel of the thoughts she places in his mind so he jerks her back to the crowded mess with his words and slams a blast door around his mind to try (unsuccessfully) to keep his thoughts to himself and her thoughts out.

But she knows fighting words when she hears them. They silence everything around them. Silence Kaylee's wide eyes and Simon's fear and jealousy. Keep the captain’s threats at bay and hush Inara and Zoe's dark stares. In that moment they are alone at the table, crew be damned. Darkness meeting darkness in the deepest black.

She can finish what he started. She knows how the parts fit together. She has read the texts, both medical, and not. She understands. She is not the simple, green GIRL he thinks she is. She can show him this.

A clean slate, an empty room, no one else to push in or pull out. Pull out and push in. Different meanings when two bodies are involved. Slow slides of skin and sweat, arches and angles and low deep moans that become swift panting breaths. Fingers finding purchase in the valleys and hills of firm immovable muscle. The quickening beat of their hearts as the tempo climbs and climbs. The stretch of a limb to accommodate the weight of a body, the bending of a leg to hold that body in place. The rocking of hips creating a very personal kind of dance. Crashing, falling, burning, searing, flying, the infinite black, stars, sunsets, oceans and earthquakes. Peace and fulfillment.

"Finished." A smile wreathes her face as she beams across the table at him. Proud of pushing her thoughts into his mind. Proud of the control and proud of the twitch in his jaw and the tightening of his fists against the tabletop.

"You done?" The squint in his eye is a sign that perhaps even a reader can read a situation wrong.

"Yes. I did not leave anything out."

His breath evens out. His hands unclench. Maybe she did do something wrong.

The others are asking what she’s done. What he's done. But they are alone as Jayne rounds the counter into the galley and places his bowl in the sink for Kaylee to wash. Leaving her supper half-eaten, she follows him.

"Didn't zackly put much into it though." His voice can get so low it practically slides across the counter to caress her.

"Oh." That is all she can say, she does not understand his meaning.

"One time only, little girl. Then stay the ruttin' hell outta my brain."

Nothing could have prepared her for what he did next.

Antediluvian. Before the flood. There would now be a marker in her mind that showed what came before this moment and what came after the hot, wet, naked desire that Jayne allowed to wash over her.

Broken images swirled through her mind to be picked up, glanced at, and dropped as others came hurtling towards her. Some boomeranged back and melded with the other pictures to form a movement, a sensation, a series, an act. More than just pleasure this was power and heat, rage and unbelievable erotic ecstasy. This was knowing; not just the act but the before, the during, and the after. Knowing how to touch and what to stroke to create sensations that reverberated against one another until she could no longer process and sift and separate. Giving in to the flood was the only option.

Buoyed by the fragments and feelings he sent she realized that he was right. There was so much more than just two bodies in an empty room. There were toys and props and costumes. The fringe of a peacock's feather tracing the lines of her body before tickling her in places Simon would never dream of touching. The sting of his hard palm as it slapped against her naked bottom. The unbearably erotic image of him handcuffed naked to the weight bench, entirely at her mercy.

Locations that she had always associated with pain and fear were overtaken with thoughts of carnal pursuits of pleasure. Never again would the med bay fill her with dread for she would only see Jayne kneeling between her widely spread thighs using his tongue to make her scream and cry out.

The very table they ate at daily could allow for so many different positions, not all of them involving food. She had never thought to do that with whipped cream even when it was readily available. And she knew a few ways to remove honey from fingers and other body parts but they didn't leave one shaking and feeling raw with need.

And he knew, even better than she, how her body could move. How she could bend and twist to create unforgettable levels of friction as their bodies slammed into each other. The power he gave her in these moments of sin. When he allowed her to dominate him as he enjoyed dominating her. The equality found in the forever sharing of a dark, unquenchable passion. The bliss of finding a soul mate, another half to make you whole. She felt the warmth that had bloomed in her stomach explode and wrack her body with deep shuddering convulsions.

And then they were back in the narrow galley, surrounded by screaming crew.

"JAYNE! What the gorram hell you do to that child! Little albatross, you all right?" The captain was nearly shaking with anger and fear. But responses could not be made. Jayne was regulating his breathing and she was only capable of leaning bonelessly against the counter.

"Mei-Mei, what happened? You looked like you had a seizure. Do you need a smoother? Should we go to the med bay? I think I should…" Simon trailed off as she responded to the thought of the med bay by raising her arms over her head and slowly lowering them to run her fingers over her face, then over her still heavy breasts and down to her thighs. How long had they been standing there? Was it possible the crew had followed them into the galley immediately? Had it taken only seconds for her world to shift so dramatically?

A purr of contentment was released while she stared at her Jayne. For she would never let another woman touch him. All his darkest desires belong to her now.

Their dance was just beginning. And he had given her some of his own ammunition to fight the war.

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