(no subject)

Feb 22, 2006 12:30

hey hey FUCKERS! hehehe your not all fuckers...
i just felt like being tuff n shit...(i dont get enough hours on that clock. HAHA!)

how are we all? good i hope. much apologies to those i havnt contacted
ive been well kidna busy. Working, the looking for work then putting together
demo cds and the like. Im in work traning now. HA! exciting i hear you say!
yeh... informative though. But iot has been a while since ive been in a learning enviroment.
And its weird being older. You haqve this voice in the back of your head telling you to
really remember the content. Unlike previous school years where u couldnt, didnt give a fuck!

I have in this time away from all your beautiful smiles mamaged to put up a web page.
For my music that is. Its only got one set on it as it is a FREE website (go me)
And ive also managed to lose some memory skills so i dont know if ive posted it before
but incase i havnt its


check it out. download it.
give it shit. or praise me like i FUCKING DESERVE! hehe

What else is going on... hrmm not much. After this traning course im going
to take a weekend away in sydney. Why? cause well why the hell not.
ive never been there before. know one or 2 people up there.
going to get a spanking hotel room. Go out oparty party party.
then fly my ass home. It will be the first real holiday ive taken in a while.

I am playing at this joint birthday bash sooon. so lil lukie gets more time on the decks.
which is always a great plus. Its a costume party too! so there should be some funny photos
of me playing in some sort of rediculious costume. Which i really havnt figured out yet.

my ideas have been....
*storm trooper (who hasnt wanted to put one of those suits on! -girls need not answer,)
*male shovenist (or however the fuck you spell it. ive been up since 6:30 leave me alone!)
* Or get all in black and white and grey. do the face paint and go from someone from a old back and white movie.

im open to ideas.... REALLY open to ideas. So lemme know.

Well im bored of typing and your probably bored of reading... if youve gotten this far.
get a life or get ready for impending future hug.


---over n out----
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