Life, the universe and everything

Aug 03, 2010 22:59

Good, busy day = no time to worry about job starting on Monday.

On a reading note, I've finished the Dark Materials trilogy, and had a quick read of The Kite Runner because someone at writer's group chucked it at me. I don't normally like books that win big awards, but this one was very sad and powerful. Loved the descriptions and the idea of Afghanistan being a real country rather than a depressing place on the news, so it was eye-opening. Also loved the fact that he wrote the whole thing without semi-colons, when I need one every few lines. The whole idea of kite-fighting was intresting; I've been surfing to find out more and the book looks pretty accurate.

Only complaint was the total lack of warning about the rape scene - I didn't mind, but the whole thing seemed like a YA book and then there was this very graphic, very brutal scene. Alright, the book wouldn't have worked without it, but even so, maybe a rating system or something?

Writing wise, 2 sides of a crime story in the meeting. What is it with these ultra dependent on each other male characters of mine? Plus, a discussion on forcing the council to keep our library open, so we wrote lots of notes on that. I think I'd like to be a librarian.

reading, writing

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