sometimes naps are the cure-all for all of your problems. sometimes, when you don't know exactly what's making you feel bad, they don't help much, just make you more tired. some good things happened today, though, even though of my crappy mood. i talked with Kara about making a feminist zine. i'm so excited cause i've never made a zine before. i hope we do go through with it and end up making that. that would be shibby ^_^ also, Pirates of The Carribean comes out today. i need to save up so i can buy it. but it's only 15 bucks so it should only take a week or two. i also need to get a birthday present for Kenna. maybe a necklace or something. something pretty ^_^ hey, i just realized i'm actualy writing for the second time in a week. that's craaaaazy, hehe. i kinda hope i keep on doing it, it sorta makes me feel better to get my emotions and such out. bottling stuff up doesn't tend to work very well. i read some of the most wonderful stories in Kara's
cousin's novella named
Hearts Don't Break. i read it like four times through, hehe. i'm actually feeling a lot better than normal, though, at the same time, not better. i don't know, it is very strange. sorting through feelings and halffeelings and such is troublesome. just when i think that i have it somewhat figured out, something new pops up. it's like a crappily written novel with twistendings and valleys and climaxes and plains of apathy.. but anyways, that's all i have to say. goodnight