It's been ages since I've updated LJ. The longer I took without updating, the more embarrassing it seemed. But then, today, I figured that I'd make an update, embarrassment be damned.
School started again. I thought I was finished with my second year, but apparently not. Because I failed ONE exam, I'm required to retake the whole second year. Funnily enough, I thought it was a pretty good thing, as my grades on the exams I passed were a little too bad for my comfort.
Oh, well, I'm making the best of it, and comforting myself with the fact that the failure rate was a whopping 25% on that exam I failed. So it's not just me. Cataloguing and classification's just always been a weak spot of mine. *glares at the Dewey Decima Classification book
In other news, I am probably the only person in the galaxy who's taken this long to discover
Angband. As if I needed more distractions, what with World of Warcraft and all. *chuckles* Plus I found out there's a World of Warcraft Roleplaying game. It seems to use the D20 system, which I am familiar with. So I started working on a character sheet for a Night Elf. Gotta love them Night Elves.
All in all, I can't complain about my life, even if hardly anything exciting happens. *chuckles* I have good friends, and a decent life, plus supportive parents. So it's not a bad thing to be me.
I also need to post the pictures I scanned of me and my beloved
ahofschu and his pets. I'm just lazy, truth be told. *grins*