This and that

Jan 08, 2005 21:38

These days, I can't read the newspaper without starting to bawl, so in this journal, I'm sticking to the not-so-serious bits. My heart aches for all the losses and pains people are going through, and I seriously wish I could solve everyone's problems.

I've been playing Final Fantasy 1 and 2 a lot since I last posted, and I'll have to add Final Fantasy 2 to my list of favorite Final Fantasies. Which now includes Final Fantasy 2, 4 and 6. See a pattern yet? *laughs* Final Fantasy 1 isn't far behind, though.

I think I forgot to mention Planescape: Torment last time I listed games I'd played. If I did, how could I? I loved that game to bits. Awesome music, and the Deionarra scene always gave me the chills. *points at icon* That's by aimo.

Which reminds me, I'm seriously bummed about not being able to play either of the Knights of the Old Republic games. I really want to finish the first one, and the second sounds downright awesome. It managed to rekindle my Star Wars fascination that had been dormant since Episode 1. And that is quite an achievement.

Also, school started last week. I managed to get into the class I wanted, on fantastic literature. We're supposed to come up with some suggestions for fantastic literature other than the super-well-known stuff like Tolkien and J.K. Rowling. I know I want to suggest Terry Pratchett and Terry Goodkind. I'm sure Pratchett is pretty well known even here, though. But on the other hand, I am considering writing my project for that class on translations. I'm a snob who likes to read her books in the original language, but maybe that will actually make me get off my arse and read the translations into Norwegian of the Discworld book. And then write something sensible on it. Looks like this semester will be busy, with lots of projects. I just hope I'll be able to do it all.

Oh,and I just started reading this comic. As a RPG lover, I laughed out loud at several of those strips. Of course, it's no Sluggy Freelance or Something Positive, but then again, those are unique. *chuckles*

I know I had more I wanted to say, but I can't think of what it was.
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