My locus of balance is a little out of order...

Jan 23, 2007 19:53

2007 so far:

kiara2425 was visiting me the first week of January. A couple of days after she left I came down with a cold. Normally not a big deal but this cold was a little more severe - I missed several days of work during which I mostly spent alternately sleeping, taking over the counter drugs and vegging in front of the TV (I saw a lot of Law & Order).

After 5 days it wasn't getting any better, which is really unusual, so I went to see a doctor. I had a sinus infection, and got some antibiotics prescribed. That night a huge icestorm came to town and knocked out the power of ~75,000 residents in town, and many more in the area.

The next week I spent holed up at my brother's house, which was jammed with other relatives who had also lost their power. I really love being around tons of people all the time (sarcasm here), but I didn't start to get frustrated until almost a week had passed.

Fortunately my power kicked in 1 week and 12 hours to the day that it went off. I finished my antibiotics and a couple days later, symptoms start to came back. So I had to go and see the doctor again today and get more. Apparently this kind of bacteria is a little stubborn, plus the antibiotics don't get into the sinuses as much as other parts of the body.

I feel a little off-balance by all these distractions and tribulations so my mind isn't as clear as it should be. Maybe by February this will improve.
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