Help me please...

Jan 28, 2010 16:42

*sigh* Guys. I'm screwed. I can't afford to live on my own (with Leith, obviously) and I think my chances of being accepted for tenancy are screwed anyway because I fucked up in the last month of my last rental and now I'm pretty sure that real estate agent thinks I'm ridiculous and won't recommend me to anyone. *sigh* I fucked up. But it is unusual for me to screw up my payments and things. I think due to circumstances at that house. My anxiety levels were overwhelmingly high and I couldn't function. I'm still struggling to get back to my normal self and being able to live on my own is a necessity.

Does anybody know anything about um... I dunno... I don't even know where to begin. I need help. What do I do? Can I fix this?

I just wish I was in a position to buy my own house. But by the time Leith's FACSIA funding runs out, we'll be screwed. How do people DO this????? We were at one of his speech therapy groups a couple of months ago and one of the mothers, whose little boy is very similar to Leith in temperament (mild) and sensory issues (pretty bad) and speech (pretty bad) there said to me, "I'm sorry, but are you doing this alone?" I quietly said yes, and had to look away because tears started flooding my eyes, completely unexpectedly. 9She said "oh god, I can't imagine it..." The fact that she, someone who ACTUALLY understood what this is like, couldn't imagine doing this, and SHE has a husband, and she wears nice clothes so I assume he has money... I'm not sad about my situation. I'm not sad about being alone. I'm not sad about much... I just am stuck. There's nowhere for me to go from here and I don't know how to get forward.

Leith starts kindergarten next year and he's not anywhere close to being toilet trained. I don't think he needs to go to a special school but I don't want to put him in a mainstream classroom if he'll suffer for it. Kids can be cruel, you know? At the moment he's so happy and confident and such a lovable boy. He has such huge potential and I don't want to mess it up by putting him into something he's not ready for. I haven't even started looking at primary schools to enroll him in and apparently I need to be doing it like right now, if not last year or the year before. But I don't even know where I'll be living. I'm prepared to move to wherever the best school is. I'd like a public school... Am also looking into Montessori schools but not sure if I can afford that. Not sure what's reasonable or not. Plus it looks like their waiting lists are so long you kinda need to enrol them before they're born. Ultimately, I'd like him to go to a school where the children with special needs are in the same classroom as their mainstream peers. Leith will have an aid (or whatever they're called)... god, can I pick and choose who his aide is? I don't trust anybody with my little boy. It's stupid. Nothing is good enough.

I'd love to home school him but he needs to be around other kids and Matt is already on my case about not putting him in daycare yet (he's not ready, dammit).

Is it a really bad idea to consider moving into a one bedroom home?? At the moment Leith and I share a bedroom and bed anyway, but he's three now, and I think he'd do better to be sleeping in his own bed by the time he's five at least. And we've moved house twice in the last six months, and I need a new house ASAP because I'm living with my sister and her husband and in April their lease runs out and they move into their new house (currently being built). So after that, I'd like to not move house for at least three years. It's been really hard on Leith. And really hard on me. But Leith doesn't deserve this mess. He has a baby brother which will be born in April (Matt's girlfriend is pregnant) and when that happens... Well, fuck, he'll need something solid, you know? Poor kid. I feel like I'm fucking up his childhood and it makes me cry because he deserves better than this and I can't provide for him because I'm me.

asd, parenting, speech, adhd, autism, leith, adult adhd, school, special needs

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